HALLOWEEN (1978) - A 10-Step Deconstruction of Carpenter's Secret Recipe
(updated from orig. 2012 version)Â Every time I've seen HALLOWEEN it's been in a different visual format. I was only 12 when it hit theaters and transformed my grade school cafeteria into a never-ending...
View ArticleHauntology for Red October: SPOTIFY PLAYLIST for Walking through the Windy...
Hey man, Halloween is a week away so I wanted to share my weird mixes. Acidemic is so much more than just weird and accidentally or intentionally artsy/psychedelic movies.Check out these groovy and...
View ArticleCalling All Macabre Bakers: Netflix's Callously Canceled CURIOUS CREATIONS OF...
 It's one of Netflix's unforgivable crimes ---prompting me to cancel my subscription after 20 years--that they only gave us one short season of this very curious show. The reason is clear: it doesn't...
View Article"Absolute" October: 10 Seasonal, Classic Picks: Atmospheric, Uncanny &...
October - the time when the old classics should come out, and old horror fans like me dust off the gems that do it for us every year, the grand perennials, some since we were knee-high to Zuni Fetish...
View ArticleCozZilla! - 10 Reasons Luigi Cozzi's 1977 GODZILLA Remix
In honor of Godzilla's 68th birthday (Nov 3) here's my praise and love of my favorite version of that original classic, a truly one-of-a-kind remix by the great Luigi Cozzi. Impossible to find anywhere...
View ArticleONCE YOU KISS A STRANGER (1969) + Selections for Acidemic's Chthonic Lady Series
Hey ho, just a note to let you know I'm still writing, just not posting as much as my brain's too foggy to keep on topic (I keep drifting, like a Tennessee Williams heroine). Still, I may be blocked...
View ArticleReviving the Wind: YOU AND THE NIGHT (2013)
You and the Night (2013) aka "Les rencontres d'après minuit" Dir Yann Gonzalez's tale of an orgy magically turned into a winter bonding session, has such a "alone and slutty on Xmas" vibe I felt I hard...
View ArticleThe Mystical Dissociation of Lucio: AENIGMA (1987)
No eyes were harmed during production of this picture"Every professional performer I've ever seen always does the exact same thing in the exact same moment in everything they do.... They know when the...
View ArticleBadass Ladies too Dangerously Cool for DVD: 9 Should-be Classics Held Back by...
In honor of Women's History Month, here's a list of films you may not even know about as they feature morally ambiguous / evil female supervillains that are powerful enough they may be a threat to...
View ArticleCamptown Ladies F--k You Up: DARKTOWN STRUTTERS (1975)
As an addendum to my previous post, let me sing the praises of one of the weirder catches in my endless trawl through the YouTube depths-- DARKTOWN STRUTTERS (1975). Written by wild George Armitage,...
View ArticleIt's Only an Apricot. It's Only an Apricot: "MANOS"& Myth
"Trash that contains the element of craziness is by this very quality nearer to art" -Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ---Â Â Douglas SirkSome of us love 'bad' or trash or...
View ArticleAll-Seeing Blindness: THE BIRDS' omniscient POV and the Oedipal Anti-gaze
Today we're using a single shot in Hitchcock's 1963 classic THE BIRDS as a jumping off point for a fusion of Freud, Jung, Paglia, Wood, and Zizek that will catch HALLOWEEN, FORBIDDEN PLANET, PSYCHO,...
View ArticleIt's Jory Time!
Confession: I'm a late-blooming Joryhead, what the kids all call a "Joryphile," or a Jory Doodie, or a Jory Rider. A lot of film snobs won't even know who I'm talking about, but they'll notice him...
View ArticleSex Negative: Lucio Fulci's THE DEVIL'S HONEY (1986)
 "Sex is nostalgia for when you used to want it... Sex is nostalgia for sex." - Andy Warhol “The male has to will his sexual authority before the woman who is a shadow of his mother and of all women....
View ArticleKubrick Variations / The Acidemic Stanley Kubrick Conspiracy Reader
Facebook reminded me I posted the above collage 10 years ago--they must really want me to write about it. I made it, and many others, after being bowled over by Rodney Ascher's ROOM 237, for my gushing...
View ArticleTruth vs. Reality: 10 Reasons PARANORMAL: CAUGHT ON CAMERA
When you're no longer afraid of being scoffed at for not scoffing at it--NY's hottest club is:Â Â Paranormal... Caught on Camera. Let go the need to have a secure frontier of the known, and surrender to...
View ArticleCinemArchetype 28: The Elemental
Getting into the pagan dark magic of the earth, air, fire, and water is as easy as doing almost nothing.... and as hard as doing less. Just like the truth about alien involvement in our evolution...
View ArticleThe Joy of Recycling: THE WHITE GORILLA (1945)
If your idea of endlessly re-watchable half-asleep outsider gold /accidental surrealist multi-meta collage is the same as mine--which seems almost impossible--viddy well the THE WHITE GORILLA (1945),...
View ArticleDerek Love vs. the Buzz Killer : TEENAGERS FROM OUTER SPACE; REBEL WITHOUT A...
 Tough GenX SWMs like me were confused when we first saw James Dean in movies. He looked badass enough on the posters that adorned our dorm walls, smoking with his feet kicked up over his steering...
View ArticleThe Hairs of Incoherence: AFTER BLUE: Dirty Paradise (2021)
French women, ah, mon ami, ils sont sauvages! Their five main differences from American women? O Monsieur! They speak the language of love and fine wine; they stay fierce and cool into their 40s and...
View ArticleTelly on the Plane / Telly on the Mountain / Telly on the Train: LISA AND THE...
I'm not saying times are tough, I'm saying now more than ever we could use a man like Aristotle "Telly" Savalas to toss us a shiny lollipop and/or a cigarette and regale us with that marvelously...
View ArticleFamous Monsters of Mexico I: EL VAMPIRO (1957), THE VAMPIRE'S COFFIN (1958)
Hey Classic Mexican horror fans, this is Mil Errores, escritor que lucha libre de adicciones y ego monstrouo y, here to offer this October a whole series "Famous Monsters of Mexico" - because all of it...
View ArticleFamous Monsters of Mexico II: CURSE OF THE CRYING WOMAN, BLACK PIT OF DR. M
October may not be the time when you look to our neighbor Mexico, but, mi hombre raro cinéfilo maybe you should start. They got crazy masked wrestlers fighting vampire women, la Lorna, a vengeful ghost...
View ArticleKing Devil says Go for It: DR. SATAN (1966), DR. SATAN VS. BLACK MAGIC (1968)
 (FamousMonsters Medical Mephistopheles of Mexico III)Viva la Dr. Satan, discipulo numero uno di Rey Diablo!A lot of classic Mexican horror emulates the classics of other nations, movies, TV, and...
View ArticleWaxing Gibbous: Luigi Cozzi's BLOOD ON MELIE'S MOON (2016)
Once the psychic fell out of her seance chair, and threw up green ectoplasm that turned into a book after white-masked magician zapped her through her crystal ball, and she knocked over a small framed...
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