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Prepare for the Coming of the Hillary Matriarchy with these 5 Psychotronic films on Hulu Plus

From fish god cults to a cockeyed MAD MAX: FURY ROAD premake to maternal body horror so unseemly no one's dared try anything remotely like it in 30 years, these five psychotronic films predict the the new world orderless matriarchy of the Scorpio Sun / Pisces rising goddess Hulu-Ree Klinn-Tohn as handily as if they washed ashore with campaign bumper stickers in their fetid claw like hands, and hammers to smash down the crosses from Middle America's fearful Christian churches.

To help the future happen, mira los hazardous collection of films evoking the coming liberal dystopia that can only result when woman is or isn't elected president. My Five Psychotronic Films on Amazon Prime for a new TRUMPMERICA post was such a hit I felt I had to balance the scale, so here it is. There's less apocalypse and more matriarchy to worry about this time, and all in all a more inspiring future of liberal awareness, higher taxation of the rich, and massive un-deployment.  With every new dead or symbolically neutered old white male voter we'll be sliding one step closer to socialism, until we'll be so like Canada we'll forget we ever weren't. Hence this list's heavy reliance on Cronenberg, Roddy Piper, and Ginger Snaps.

PS - Dear Hulu: Hulu is a terrible name for a movie site. Don't try to scan as playful! Be badass. Change it to... FROGTOWN, and not just 'cuz there's so many wearyingly French films on there, but because you carry the one.. the only....

(1988) Starring Sandahl Bergman, Roddy Piper 

The lithe and lovely Sandahl Bergman, and pleasingly self-effacing wrestler Roddy Piper roam the post-war wasteland looking for wild women to impregnate in the name of the cause (war has left most men dead or sterile). He's one of the few men still able to produce viable sperm; she's a health official in charge of helping him liberate, and then do his duty upon, a harem of fertile 'passives' currently held captive in a frog mutant warlord's stronghold. Since both sides need manpower more than nukes, 'our' side's future depends on "potent young men in the field, who can perform in difficult conditions."

Anyway, off they go across the border and into the wasteland to Frogtown, a combination abandoned oil refinery and R-rated version of a STAR WARS cantina. If your misogynist radar hadn't already gone off for the scene where Spangle (Bergman) drugs a wild fertile woman they gather up en route and compels Hell (Piper) to mount her, it will when she goes undercover as a bondage slave Hell's allegedly selling to the Frog warlord.  BUT your feminist senses might tingle too, since the women are for the most part super capable and assertive, more physically agile and gutsier than Hell, and though they drive in a pink 'Medtech' station wagon (ala KILL BILL!) there's a badass chick (Cec Verrell) on a .50 calibre sunroof mounted machine as his 'bodyguard.' In other words, rather than affirm male dominance, the film deconstructs sadomasochistic ritual, dominance, harem-keeping, the "dance! dance!" warlord cup banging, as pathetic attempts to reclaim the phallus from the women. Hell's junk is kept in a chastity belt with a built-in taser wired to Spangle's earrings and he's expected to 'perform' while his two captors/guardian women watch with detached curiosity, for in a neat twist of our current deal with an all male panel discussing women's health issues, here we have an all female team considering his phallus literally state property.

Luckily it's played relatively straight. Even that semi-twee title is no obscurantist whimsy but strictest present tense fact: Piper's character is named Hell, and Frogtown is 'ribbit'occupied by real frog mutants ("created as the by-product of your germ warfare") and the frog makeups are pretty damned good. Bergman is still as gorgeous and lithe as she was six years earlier in Conan; Piper is surprisingly sweet and tender in his softer scenes, and if, when he's expected to play the sexist dingus, he comes off a bit broad, it's not easy conveying a character who feels he's 'too good for this shit' without coming off like an actor who feels he's too good for the film, so I don't blame him if he falls into the latter camp at times. The frog with a fez doing the Sidney Greenstreet schtick at the requisite strip club frog bar? That's a little twee. But ain't squat twee about Rory Calhoun, wearing his good store teeth as a uranium minor supplying the frogs with fuel for a bomb. When he's dying with his head in the laps of one of the young liberated pacifist concubines in the backseat as they're pursued by the frog warlord in his armored car you realize suddenly - holy shit! This scene was lifted wholesale for last year's Mad Max: Fury Road!! Considering Frogtown's one of those post-Road Warrior 80s apocalypse movies, the inspirations come full circle!

Why Hillary: One look at the face of the odious frog king and you'll be reminded of a certain second runner behind Trump. Sandahl is Hillary being sold to the Middle States  ('can she dance?' asks the Frog Prince in he fez before voting/purchasing); the harem are the women voters of swing states looking askance at the brutalizing Handmaid's Tale future awaiting them under The Fog mutant's sway. (one grand dame frog lady takes a shine to Piper and frees him though it means her death -- she'd be the swing state female voting bloc). Scruffy Roddy stands for the American midwest, reckoning the pros and cons between giving a woman control of the national balls, or else letting real amphibious monster gun nuts run riot over all our civil liberties.

(1979) Dir. David Cronenberg
If you need a map through this genuinely strange, disturbing picture then I'd say watch SCANNERS first. That's a zippy mind-expander with solid acting, exploding heads, Michael Ironside in his best role (his facial expressions when he's scanning are off the hook); and--with a voice so deep it opens up a hole in the floor--Patrick McGoohan as a revolutionary pharmacologist. Here in BROOD-land it's a little less bouncy and a lot more strange and horrible. No drugs this time, just a kind of gestalt externalized therapy at a strange clinic for 'psychoplasmics,' a method of externalizing rage that involves causing the body to break out in spots... or worse. Oliver Reed is Dr. Raglan, the mastermind psychiatrist who runs the place. Working deep into strange therapies with his patients, including a very unhinged Samantha Eggar, whose deep into regressive therapy and the doc won't let his concerned husband see her. Their child, on the other hand, is brought in for weekends, but comes home traumatized and bruised. I don't want to spoil the thing, but there's a kind of post-feminist version of the Monster from the Id going on. The hair weird hirsute sissy actor in the beginning demonstration is very unsightly - he's the most disturbing part of the film for me. In fact, hey, man, if it's too much, watch SCANNERS instead. Yeah, maybe you should just watch SCANNERS. The scene where a cute possible love interest Ruth Mayer (Susan Hogan with a great 70s elfin hair cut) is hammered to death by two of the monster kids right in front of her horrified kindergarten class is the most outrageous and deeply disturbing scene in all of 70s horror. Dude, there's always SCANNERS.

PS - My new favorite stealth character actor, Robert A. Silverman, the Dick Miller to Cronenberg's Corman, is great as a previous patient of the clinic preparing a lawsuit, wearing a white towel on his neck to cover an awful mutating psychoplasmic affliction. He's so good here and as Hans in NAKED LUNCH (above), and the artist in SCANNERS well, he just knocks them all up a notch. Why only Cronenberg seems to know of his genius is beyond me. Is it that he doesn't want to leave Canada? He should just go to Vancouver, the B-movie capital of the world!

Why Hillary: It is foretold in ancient texts that amok liberalism ushered in by a woman prez shall lead to the return of the 70s encounter group / est craze; the nuclear family unit will be broken apart by charlatan shrinks, who won't let the husband see his own wife. The human body itself is America: "Raglan encouraged my body to revolt against me," notes Silverman, "and it did." Asking why he's suing when he can't possibly prove Raglan's methods gave him cancer, he says he's doing it for revenge! So people will know from the press that "psychoplasmics cause cancer." -i.e., global warming. The Brood are the protestors disrupting Trump rallies. As with the Trump supporters themselves, it's not important whether or not he's a threat, it's enough that they get angry thinking about it, and the anger justifies the reprisal. Imagine if all the rage spewed on internet comment sections was able to manifest itself... we'd all be hammered.

(1994) Dir. Linda Hassani
Shot through a haze of red and blue with just the right amount of imagination (neither whimsical nor grungy), this Satanic daughter love story is like THE LITTLE MERMAID x SPECIES with a refreshing lack of qualms about killing evildoers. The story begins in Hell, a mix of the long lines of Old Testament-style marching lines of desert laborers from STARGATE x PHANTASM, but with deep red and blue filters; a lot of care and love went into these early scenes, and it shows. Angela Featherstone stars as the demoness Veronica who dreams of seeing the surface of the earth, though it is forbidden by her abusive sputtering over-acting demon father (he makes Divine seem mumblecore). Once above she tears the spines and hearts out of evil doers and feeds their hearts to her dog Hellraiser (like Osiris tossing the heavier-than-a-feather hearts to Ahmet for you of the ancient faith) and presenting his spine to the near-rape victim with the words "look upon this to allay the memory of this night." Oh man that's awesome. Shacking up with a doctor, Max, she wanders by night while he's on ER duty, kills and shows any cop who stands in her way her true nature via her glowing eyes.

It might not be for all tastes, but I dig Featherstone's low-key performance and find the dreamlike grungy fairytale threadbare quality endearing in a Guy Maddin meets Val Lewton in Ed Wood's basement kind of way. Featherstone isn't the greatest actor in the world but what she lacks anyone can learn; what she has is unteachable, a rare and precious gift: the ability to project complete confidence and emotional vacancy at the same time while delivering classic lines like "I've always wanted to witness people coupling, Max, but I never thought it would move me so much." Better (or worse) actresses would never be able to deliver that line right. They'd either try and be sexy (and come off campy) or imperious (and come off bitchy), or mean or tough (and come off laughable), but Featherstone just announces it with relentless assertive confidence that's still sexy. The way she delivers lines like "I don't require the blessing of the one true church to engage in sexual relations, Max" is so good I wish I had it as a ringtone. Even her sex scene with Max is tasteful, and I love when she unfolds her true form--wings, horn, tail--after orgasm and he's like "hey, it's all right." He's cool with it but in a low key way, like if she turned out to have a penis or something. The lighting is all uniformly good (as in effectively masking the low budget) and her matter of fact way with wrapping human hearts in newspaper to feed her dog is endlessly reassuring. I've only ever seen that level of skill at commanding both adoration and fearful respect in in East German science fiction film female characters from ELEOMA and IM STAUB DER STERNE.

Why Hillary: One of her first assignments down in Hell is to come up with creative ways to punish the lawyers and bankers, mirroring every democrat's promise to clean up Wall Street. On the surface she kills two racist cops after they beat up on a black guy (i.e. she's pro Black Lives Matter); she launches a one-woman vendetta against crooked politicians and cannot enter a church as she "would surely combust.'
All in all it's my favorite of the Charles Band Full Moon label, it's also the only one that doesn't have like four sequels, though as the title indicates it's clearly built for theme. Figures we'd get eight snickery dickery GINGERDEAD MAN and EVIL BONG sequels instead, proving the fuckin' castration anxiety never dies, which brings me to...

(1985) Dir. Lamberto Bava 
In the land of Trump, it's all about the nuclear family, be it ever so "humbly" nouveau-riche and swinging. From the giddy era when such swinging was the norm-- the 80s--comes this Italian film summing up the genuine Satanic post-modern artistic decadence of Italy. Produced and co-written by Dario Argento, directed by Mario Bava's son Lamberto; asst. director Michele Soavi (STAGEFRIGHT); sublime boom operation by Angelo Amatulli (SHORT NIGHT OF GLASS DOLLS) and music from Claudio 'Goblin' Simonetti (ZOMBI 2), it's like an Argento-Bava Jr. family affair, by which I mean nowhere near as good as 70s Argento (or even 80s Soavi, like STAGEFRIGHT which used to be on Hulu for a hot sec, but is now missing) but nowhere near as bad as 00's Argento. Lamberto, bless him, is a terrible director. I don't envy having the pressure of such an iconic father to measure up to, but the kid has no talent whatsoever for blocking, pacing, or storytelling.

Luckily what he does have is a lot of talented friends, and seems to be open to their suggestions. All the brilliant red and blue lighting Argento used in SUSPIRIA and INFERNO is here as are, unfortunately, a gaggle of instantly dated rock songs blaring up the soundtrack, from Billy Idol, Rick Springfield, and Mötley Crüe (Argento misguidedly used Motörhead and Iron Maiden tracks in the same year's PHENOMENA). There's also a carload of coked-up punks (they keep their coke in a cocoa-cola cup, which is very impractical but I'm sure hilarious at the time) who try to sneak into the theater; some robot monster thing with either half his human mask gone or half his robot mask gone, and a deux ex machina helicopter drop, adding the perfect touch of self-reflexivity (Michel Soavi would use even more ingeniously self-reflexive post-modern variations on the 'trapped all night in an empty theater' motif for his much superior 1987 STAGEFRIGHT, which used to be on Hulu but now is not for some ungodly reason.

As the movie itself is a movie within a movie about a theater showing a film about a demon outbreak tied to a demonic mask (a signifier to papa Mario's first horror film THE MASK OF SATAN) there are a few priceless and ingenious moments early on, as when the first victim in the film and offscreen match up in their anguished noises, and a giant close up of a flashing blade on screen seems to be cutting the dying girl's head off, and thanks to Hulu you can watch it on your phone where the screen is too small for any demon to climb through.

WARUM DIE HILL? The difference between slavering demonic horde, the coked-up 'gang' driving through the Berlin B-roll, and the dwindling 'good' audience members trapped within the demonic theater is in a constant flux, but one thing's for sure: black woman is the first to become infected because she insisted on trying on the mask in the lobby, which pricks her face and infects her with demonic pustles and mouth foam, spreading the homicidal disease like a plague. I know I can eke an anti-immigration metaphor out of that, but not yet. That the film is set and filmed in Germany makes the metaphor clear: it only takes a single prick to start a raging fire of random fascist violence. But what is the alternative? You have to wait to the very very end to find out (all the way past the credits). I'll give you a hint: she reloads like the wind.

(2001) Dir. Stuart Gordon
We of the cult (if you'll forgive the expression) of Lovecraft have become quite used to being disappointed by his film adaptations. Naturally there are limits to what film can accomplish, and the elder gods like Cthulhu, Yog Sothoth and Shub-Niggurath and their hideous half-human offspring reverberate far deeper than ordinary mind's eye boogeymen. They seem to cohere out of the electric blur behind our eyelids, urging us forward; it's as if every story of HP's has some unholy Necronomicon-ish power to awaken the sleeping behemoths of some archaic collective unconsciousness only half our own. Naturally no film is going to be able to capture that feeling (Carpenter's IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS was about that feeling, but didn't duplicate it in our minds, how could it, short of having tentacles come out of the screen and/or slaughtering everyone in the lobby?). The secret of Stuart Gordon, the Corman to Lovecraft's Poe if you will, is to not even try, to just keep the events and tentacles flowing in something like real time, a single night or weekend of rattletrap madness. FROM BEYOND and RE-ANIMATOR both took that approach in vivid 80s Charles Band style, while DAGON, a Spanish venture, is more muted but perhaps the truest of all the adaptations of HP's memorable story "Shadow over Insmouth." (Spanish: Inboca).

On the immediate surface, DAGON looks like just another 'American tourist stranded in a strange isolated town and sacrificed to ancient god film,' and man there be a slew. But there's literally never a dull moment over one long afternoon into evening as American investment wizard Paul Marsh (Ezra Godden) and his girlfriend Barbara (Raquel Meroño) on a yachting trip with his millionaire partner wind up in the midst of a freaky storm, run up on the rocks near a strange town; Paul and Barbara rush to get help, are separated by a seemingly friendly priest and, well, the weirdness begins and never lets up. I was worried that somehow, like so many Lovecraft adaptations before it, the freakiness of the locals would be limited to some affordable malady like MESSIAH OF EVIL's bleeding eyes, HAUNTED PALACE's no eyes, and/or green tinting, etc. but the--well you'll see.

It's very excellent in occurring all in almost real time, and coming as close as any adaptation yet as far as capturing the eerie mood of the fish god cult mythos, reaching a sublime bizarro pinnacle when a scene so often played for boudoir comedy is so moodily right at capturing the feeling that some wild recurring dream is coming true, nailing that anima moment when your dreaming self meets the mermaid-esque other (Macarena Gómez) and it's as if time stands still and you realize you're dreaming, and so does she, and the moment stretches across all time and space and the world around you vanishes; the world of dreams and waking, past and future, is transcended: childhood and adulthood, life and death, male and female, mammal and cephalopo-wait what was that last one? Kiss me, baby, and never mind. (I confess I'd handle that reveal with a little more tact, for I'm no tentacle-phobe) but otherwise, Paul behaves almost identically to how I imagine I would, especially as a fellow man condemned to the exile of los Anteojos, which makes seeing during heavy rainfall difficult, and in his moving from overwhelmed and panicked to confident and even brave and almost Bruce Campbell level sardonic. Francisco Rabal has a turn as the drunk local who delivers the exposition (played by Elisha Cook Jr, in MESSIAH OF EVIL). The acting is all sublime as are the subtle make-up effects, which steadily escalate from casual sights of gills and webbed hands to giant tentacles; the latter are rather shoddy CGI but by then you're too busy being riveted to get all snooty about it. And if, like me, you've needed your firebrand Spanish-speaking girlfriend having to translate for you while overseas, and needed to get over any aversion to deformed or otherwise strange limbs to get it on with your dream girl, this will feel--as it did to me--like some strange reflection of your own primordial subconscious (like Lovecraft's actual fiction).  In short, I love DAGON as I love the craft del Lovecraft and love the dark behemoths in the third eye sea. Jeeze listen to me. Already my hands are growing slimy; the folds of skin along my neck becoming gills. Dude, it's all good. I ain't no squiddist. Ezra Godden is pretty great in a role that might have devolved too closely comedy in the hands of Jeffrey Combs or Bruce Campbell, but here has a perfect blend of believability and heroism, neither too 'paralyzed every man' nor comic poseur (he'd also star in Stuart Gordon's Masters of Horror entry, an adaptation of Lovecraft's DREAMS OF THE WITCH HOUSE).

POR QUE HILÁRAK LIHN-TAUÑ: The evil visiting priest of Dagon incites the elders to smash the iconography of the Christian church in the flashback. The new iconography that washes ashore is a vivid mixture of Illuminati, Celtic, and Satanic (if there's a difference) a nd in the present tense they kill the Rupert Murdoch-esque yachtsman (offscreen). The very ending suggesting a new future speaks to the Democratic ability to adapt vs. the Republican resistance to change. As with the other films on this list it's ultimately about a sort of high Precambrian matriarchy and the plethora of Spanish speakers of course stands as a mockery to the the anti-immigrant Trump supporters who consider it a violation of their civil rights if you point out the Spaniards aren't Mexicans.


(1975) Dir. David Cronenberg
I disgust la SHIV in an oilier post but fack it. Spiked with livid, funny gross outs as the red kidney things hop inside from any old orifice, the film's a 'careful what you wish for' example of 70s singles swinging rather too successfully. Ask yourself: is this how the red states really think we behave up here? Or is it just how they would, were they not good decent Christians? Either way, you may never want to have sex again. Shot as grungy as a 16mm instructional film, it really should be shown in every high school health class. It would chasten a Hefner. The performances are deceptively brilliant; the moments of freeze frame slow motion unique and effective; the scenes of orgies breaking out in the halls and stairwells reminding me of drug parties I've... heard about... on Fox News. Just thinking about Fox News in fact should answer your question why this film is 'Hillary-esque'! After it you'll be grateful for all the repression that makes social order of any sort possible.

(2005) Dir. Neil Marshall

(1970) Dir. Jaromil Jireš

(2000) Dir. John Fawcett

(1991) Dir. Lars Von Trier

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