Your Clowns Bid You Goodbye: THIS IS THE END, IT'S A DISASTER
A cohesive, 'tight' film, funny even into the maw of Hell, THIS IS THE END comes long after 12/21/12, late to the apocalypse party, which is of course in character considering the cast of stoner...
View ArticleThe Satanic Blondes of '66: EYE OF THE DEVIL, INCUBUS
Ah 1966, what an excellent year for an exorcism. Flip the 9 and you got the beast's number. Still two years off from ROSEMARY'S BABY, '66 contains INCUBUS and EYE OF THE DEVIL instead, one similar to...
View ArticleRemembering Lou Reed + A Spotify Mix, GET CRAZY, and Links
Lou died today. He was 71, the same age my dad would be (had he not died two years ago this very week). Hearing about my dad's death made feel a crack in my heart for the first time ever, a thunderous...
View ArticleDie for the Birdy! STAGEFRIGHT: AQUARIUS!
For the Hugo Stiglitz Italian Horror Blogathon If it didn't have such an overly familiar name (the 1950 Hitchcock film, a 2013 Minnie Driver horror musical, a 1980 film AKA NIGHTMARES), I believe...
Halloween is over. The gloom of depressing November descends. If it warms up and is a beautiful fall day like today, don't trust it, private! It's a trap! That fall foliage is the color of death, those...
View ArticleBeyond the Bruges Horizon: SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS
I meant to see Seven Psychopaths (2012), forgot I saw it, re-Netflixed it, and only remembered I'd seen it halfway through. I know what it says about me, unless I write about it, I don't remember it....
View Article"Live every week like it's shark week." SHARKNADO (2013), THE REEF (2010)
November.If the 12 month cycle was The Island of Lost Souls, November would be the house of pain. Darkness's early onset and the hushed chill of dying leaves rustling around the street like packs of...
View ArticleSUSPIRIA for Men... ONLY GOD FORGIVES (2013)
Lately when I meditate all that happens is my unconscious/anima rummages through forbidden memory drawers, exposing afresh long-buried shames as far back as ninth grade gym class. I'm all cool about...
View ArticleFor the whole drunk family: GRABBERS (2012)
Ah laddies and lassies faire, are you going to be home with the folks, or someone else's? Will they be looking to you, the film guy or girl, to pick a film of Netflix once all the football and parades...
View ArticleCinemArchetype #26: The Stoner
A sub-phyla of both the Hanged Man and the Holy Fool, the Stoner is both wasting their life and found nirvana. As holy as the Dali Lama, as singular of purpose in their mission as the Pope, and as...
Mainstream movies have become mash-ups now, the big budgets making an original thought too risky to have except in the abstract. So THE PURGE is HUNGER GAMES meets FUNNY GAMES divided by LAST HOUSE ON...
View ArticleSweetheart of the Somnambulist: SVENGALI (1931)
Perhaps its forgotten status is due to only one dog-eared 16 mm source print seemingly in circulation, from which all the public domain DVDs doth spring, or from the stodgy pacing and oversize...
View ArticleCoal and der switches: JINGLE ALL THE WAY
When it comes to holiday entertainment, nothing tops the "heroin-smuggling nuns" episode of the BIONIC WOMAN that played Xmas eve back in the 70s and has never been seen again. But we must settle. Mom...
View ArticleRococo Gold: THE HAUNTING remake is better than the original - yeah, I said it.
Everyone heaped so much abuse on Jan de Bont's HAUNTING remake when it first came out that I held off seeing it... until now... that's on Netflix... streaming in glorious color, widescreen and HD. And...
View ArticleBaiting Oscar: A Handy Checklist for Predicting Nominees
The recent glut of 'safe' academy pictures is enough to make me wanna wretch! Sure, I haven't seen any of them, or have I? Is there any real point to a film like Saving Mr. Banks other than to give...
View ArticleFavorites of 2013
Trying to tell you of this year's favorites, mine, you understand, has nearly destroyed me but here it is, subject to never change. It's not some other guy's list, one that dutifully lauds INSIDE...
View ArticleROOM 237 Ripped Danny's Dopey Decal off, Baby.
from top: "Autobiographical Nexusplation" (Erich collage), ROOM 237, THE SHINING.ROOM 237 is a lightning crack to the head; all is illuminated, and terrifying: first because paranoid psychosis is very...
View ArticleBest of EK Writing 2013
As always, it seems, 2013 was a prolific year, if not as scintillating or apocalyptic as I initially hoped. If you're a casual follower of this site you may be flabbergasted, yes, flabbergasted, to...
View ArticleIt's only real if it wrecks your life: HER, THE WAY WE WERE, LOVE AFFAIR
O Love, thou coaxer of dopamine and norepinephrine through miserly neruological alleyways, you can cure illness, reduce obesity, turn blue meanies into pink happies, you sound and sport horns like Pan....
View ArticleLet the Darionioni Nuovo entrain your Dissonance: AMER (2009)
Hey kid, want to get high? on art? so high you pass out? It happens. It's called Stendahl syndrome and it's a real thing and now I know because it happened to me with this experimental-narrative...
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