"Forgotten Men with Steam" (Pre-Code Capsules): GOODBYE AGAIN, ARSENE LUPIN,...
HELL'S ANGELS1930 - dir. Howard Hughes (w/ James Whale, Edmund Goulding - uncredited)***1/2All the Howard Hughes' Aviator-Womanizer Extraordinaire mytholos aside, this is a pretty interesting film...
View ArticleThe Whimpers and the Bangs: KICK-ASS 2, HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE, ENDER'S...
Look deep into the screen, my children, for this is your new reality - screens in the classroom, both behind the teacher and on your desk, not to mention the phone on which you secretly watch movies...
View ArticleTexas Time Out... for EL REY - Roberto Rodriguez' gonzo new cable channel
If you have cable, and love cool shit, you must seek out the EL REY network (if you have Time Warner, its channel 797, at least in Brooklyn). The man who gave the world some of my favorite post-modern...
View ArticleAge of Asherah: ROSEMARY'S BABY (1968)
"The movie appeared at a moment of optimum spiritual chaos in American life. Rosemary’s Baby remains an iconic memory trace of a time when anything seemed possible, including the birth of the...
View ArticleCollage Portrait of Melanie Daniels + Pre-Raphaelite Portrait of Famke Janssen
Melanie Daniels in the throes of Laudanum2014 - collage with pre-raphaelite elements by Erich Kuersten Decadence Lost (Collage-Surrealist-Portrait of Famke Jannsen in GoldenEye watching Eyes Wide Shut...
View ArticleRise, SORCERER! The lost masterpiece of 1977 comes to blu-ray.
It's been a long time on its jungle creep but William Friedkin's much anticipated blu-ray SORCERER (1977) has emerged into the clearing and into the flaming oil fire of our American hypocrisy....
View ArticleFrom my grave to yours: PENNY DREADFUL (Showtime), FROM DUSK TIL DAWN (El Rey)
Two new horror series are worth checking out, presuming you have the patience, the cajones, and the channels on your cable. The Robert Rodriguez-backed new cable channle El Rey (read my shuddering...
View ArticleAll Hail the New Flesh Keychain: ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW (2013)
Sticking it to the Walt Disney Military Intelligence Complex by inverting its 'Lächelnd macht frei' ethos, newbie writer-director Randy Moore's black and white chronicle of the last day and night of a...
View ArticleIllusion of Competence (Ode to a Father's Day James Bond Marathon)
He was around from before I was born and will probably will survive the next Ice Age. All of my life he has been there in times of crisis and conquest. He has many births and a few fake deaths, yet no...
View ArticleLaureate of the Laid: Terry Southern, CANDY (1968)
Life is a latticework of coincidence whether we see it or not. Usually we don't want to see it, worried we'd go crazy if we did. With our blinders up, the coincidence matrix is less a pineal...
View ArticleWes Anderson vs. the Trust Fund Marxists + TEN Classic film reconmendations...
If you're a fan (as I am) of romantic pre-code Lubitsch froth like The Love Parade, Trouble in Paradise, The Smiling Lieutenant, Monte Carlo, and The Merry Widow and of Wes Anderson's previous films...
View ArticleThe Little Mescalito that Could: CRYSTAL FAIRY & THE MAGICAL CACTUS, MAGIC MAGIC
Psychedelic awakening, madness, and tonto re forro puta madre yankee nonsense is afoot in Chile, and a beady-eyed blonde-tousled Michael Cera is there, a-swooping down from El Cóndor Pasa with jelly...
View ArticleAmerica of Ghosts: Why Lana Del Rey is the New Val Lewton
The new Lana Del Rey album is out this week, like the dark ebb of the Stygian tide, and with it "controversy" so perfect in its nonissue pitch that Lana Del Rey and her salivate-on-cue detractors; it...
View ArticleTwilight of the Dinkins: RANDOM ACTS OF VIOLENCE (2013), BLANK CITY (2010)
I came late to the party, as always, in Manhattan, hanging out beginning only in 1990; couch-surfing all along 2nd Ave, I've seen it all happen. You know this blog. You read my 2011 piece, Manhattan...
View ArticleTwo hearts stab as one: Brian De Palma + Dario Argento (a Reptile Dysfunction)
The critics say they're indebted to Hitchcock for their tropes, obsessions and subjects, but what I really see in Italian horror director Dario Argento and Italian-American suspense director Brian De...
View ArticleMedusae of Asia: THE SHANGHAI GESTURE (1941), RAIN (1932)
Like pre-code neo-Jacobean Tragedy's final, venomous wheeze, THE SHANGHAI GESTURE (1941) sinks its cobra fangs deep into the mongoose of censorship, self-abasement, and social taboo, to levels only Lon...
View ArticleOBVIOUS CHILD, GINGER SNAPS and Your Reproductive Lunar Cycle
Even in our modern age of 'chick-flicks' there are some issues which never get treated 'openly' unless it's during a Very Serious Episode, usually involving both parties deciding to keep the child,...
View ArticleTaming the Tittering Tourists: 50 SHADES OF GREY, 9 1/2 WEEKS, EXIT TO EDEN,...
Most fans of 50 Shades of Grey--the kinky BDSM bestseller by E.L. James--were wincing (and not in a good way) at last week's debut of the forthcoming film adaptation's conventional, fashion mag-slick...
View ArticleTop 25 Favorite Films
I've been going to bed really early lately, sometimes five or six AM. And any film lover knows movies at dawn have their own rare magic, illuminating inner truths not usually seen within earlier...
View ArticleAll Hail the New Flesh Keychain: ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW (2013)
Sticking it to the Walt Disney Military Intelligence Complex by inverting its 'Lächelnd macht frei' ethos, newbie writer-director Randy Moore's black and white chronicle of the last day and night of a...
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