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Manson Poppins: DEATHMASTER


The Age of Aquarius... remember when it dawned? Wast thou thar? Wist thar thou? Into that dawning yawning chasm, a new kind of exploitation film for to find, dangling down drive-ins of the mind? From Hair of the Claude to the Zodiac amore / but no more; flowers in the hair and hands and minds of disenfranchised kids from all walks of life, congregating against the man in candle-lit squats of Haight; one tin soldier writing away in a mangy corner; folkie playing "Gave my love a chicken," waiting for Bluto to bash his acoustic guitar; girls with beautiful blonde straight hair dancing like Prakriti in the flames of Bruce Dern's burning sculptures and sister Strasberg's childhood treasure; old SF Haight-Ashbury or Laurel Canyon mansions with paisley painted steps, Peter Fonda wandering in search of lost Lenore or Salli Sachse; college campus foyers with afroed radicals; dirty thrift stores and new age bookshops; all gone with the arrival of some straight edge Paul Walker narc type presuming himself the calm rational king of it all. It's 1972 now but everyone still pretending it's 1968, before old Charlie Manson came and put the lysergic blood hex on the forehead of the sleeping Virgin Sherry Tate and Owsley mixing up the Berkley medicine; radicals kicking up violent dove sediment as they snake upriver towards your peaceful hawk lagoon --self-righteous conviction leaving the ear's of the fatherless young exposed to the sound of the barefoot rainbowed piper (1) to lead them off the lemming cliff, or worse, into their parents' bedroom to write'acid is groovy'in blood on the walls. 

If the 60s created the runaway shelter squatter cult free love commune utopia (Woodstock), the 70s was spent reeling from the barbarian gate-crashers at Altamont) merely searched for someone who wanted to lead (i.e. manipulate) it: Satanists, warlocks, scheming crooks, vampires, and the devil himself all put in bid after putting the old leaders in jail, crucified on the altar of 'drug laws.' Timothy Leary in jail for 20 years for possession of two roaches; Ken Kesey forced to tell everyone the acid test was over and 'everybody passed.' Manson's strung out wackos bled into assassin shadows that stained every long-haired date brought home late to worried-sick suburban parents. There were so many moonies, Hare Krishnas and the other 'options' around, that studying to be a cult deprogrammer seemed a viable career. Even in elementary school we taught about brainwashing although we had a pretty literal conception of it (I pictured making someone drink soapy water and stand in their head while you turn a crank stuck in their ear). Jim Jones replaced the occult-LSD hippie cocktail with Kool-Aid as our key 'cult' beverage in 1978; but between '69-'77 cults were signified by chants and robes-- Krishna to Zeppelin to Crowley to EST swirled together in a haze of drugs and chanting--and back in the dawn of the 70s even upscale college grads and suburban parents were opting for the communal living style.

Meanwhile at the drive-in, the national post-Manson hippie backlash brought in a psycho guru murderous hippie cult gusher... 

(1972) - Dir Ray Danton

The 'other' self-help guru vampire character Robert Quarry played in the early 70s (first being COUNT YORGA), this gets no love from the man, but like a rainforest serpent crawling up from the depths of the Amazon Instant Video riverbed, it bit me, man. And the print on Prime there looks damned good (which is--if you've surfed around down there you'll know what I mean--unusual in and of itself).

Lensed by the great Bill Butler (JAWS, DEMON SEED) in this countercultural AIP semi-documentary style, I dig that once the pre-credit coffin on a river sequence is over, you'd never even know it was a horror movie. In the cinema verite style of just a few years earlier, we pull focus along interweaving groups of bikers, free spirits selling trinkets at the 'patagonia market' parking lot, and that coffin being driven past in the back of an old fits-right-in pick-up, like 1968's PSYCH-OUT (which you'll remember also has a coffin) meets a non-musical HAIR (a grave) divided by WILD ANGELS (a smashed church) x BILLY JACK (righteous kung fu peacenik; runaway hippie shelter) + an after school message movie where I was expecting William Shatner or Keith Carradine would show up to deal 'death,' i.e. acid which is just as addictive as heroin according to, say, GO ASK ALICE (1973). Acid and 'horse' are both narcotics, and narcotics are death, kids --remember that. I think of course that that's the way all countercultural-aspiring movies should be watched, with no clue what genre they're even in. This happened to me with CULT OF THE DAMNED (1969), which I thought due to Netflix's error was about Jim Jones --I still think it so, even though Jones never shows up --would the movie have blown my mind otherwise? No, but not knowing if something's a comedy, tragedy, horror film, anti-drug message movie, or parental paranoia exploitation kind of puts you in the mind of what acid is actually like when you're on it.

On that note, since you might otherwise never notice this gem while paddling down the Amazon's datura root-webbed banks, be aware that the cover they use--with its faded monochromatic bearded face like some hungry mental patient getting stabbed in his eyes with a thousand acupuncture needles--might be an instant turn-off, conjuring disheartening memories of 80s shot-on-video gorefests. It ain't like that, man. It's a safe place to hang out, get a free meal, read some literature (that you know, really reaches you kids, telling it all in your hip language) and after that, maybe think about joining us at sunrise for morning chants. Interested? You just might find what you're seeking, and if that momentary joy of connection cooks down to selling flowers in the street to keep our little family in tambourines, robes, candles and dime store Dracula fangs, well, it's a chance to serve the cause, and most of all to be in the picture. Dig, man, in the picture, for the picture itself is in, as it is in life which is love and life is essence, therefore granting the great teacher your essence, your mortality's platelets and plasma, is to spend eternity as one bitten" by the love bug. Only an idiot would say no to eternal life and so DEATHMASTER needed an idiot, and in his grace, they sent him one, his name was Pico, and Bill Ewing was the actor (if that is the word) who plays him.

(L-R: Reese, Jordan, Tree, Ewing, Dickson)
We first think DEATHMASTER is going to be a biker film (maybe it's the name of a chopper?) when old-school dirtbag Monk (William Jordan) brum-brums into town with his old lady Essine (Betty Anne Reese); his brusque savagery soon pits him against a Billy Jack-style Kung Fu 'peacenik' straight-edge hippie named Pico (Bill Ewing) and his girlfriend Rona (Brenda Dickson) who's kind of turned on by Monk's outlaw swagger. The much smaller Pico knocks him on his ass, but no hard feelings because they all end up on the run from the fuzz and like Mongo in BLAZING SADDLES Monk respects a guy that can whup him and Pico, ever the Zen dude, invites Monk and his chick up to this groovy squat, where the kids are all hanging out. Up there in that house on the hill these kids are making it work, you know, with no electricity but they got candles, love, and a big bowl of what looks like food; and while kids mull around there's a melancholy, haunting flute playing, slowly the buzz seems to dwindle, the gathering storm, the candles seeming to barely put a dent in the darkness. As the resident guitar guy Bobby "Boris" Pickett says, "Hey what's happening? We're all hung up on some kind of gloom."

Pico, the ever square Paul Walker-esque narc conscience of the clan says "We're hung up all right, but always the same old thing, looking for our damn head, man"

Rona: (singing like nursery rhyme taunt): His head, his head, Pico can't find his head!
Pico: (wearily) round and round we go
Khorda (unseen, a voice in the shadows behind Pico, sitting cross-legged, having just kind of appeared in the dark morass of hippies, not speaking directly to them but in that same offhand to no one in particular way close-knit groups have of batting ideas around, like he's a teacher in the Socratic style)
... like living in limbo
Pico: yeah, that's it- - a treadmill
Khorda: ... gets to be a bore.
Khorda, manifesting in the party, as yet unnoticed as anyone
other than another tribal scene maker
Pico: Right, a goddamn mother lovin' bore.
 Khorda: The thing to do is to break away... find  a purpose
 Rona: I got a purpose --love... (gets up, starts  dancing around)
 Khorda: Love power... something to cherish. To  hang onto.... But to know love one must first be  alive... live
 Pico: That's just my point, we ain't living
 Khorda: Perhaps you need a spark, to light the  fuel within
 Pickett - Far out - you mean like a miracle or  something?
 Khorda: why not? (Claps hands - lights come  on)
Rona: Did you see that? What's with that guy?
Pico: Hey man, this is a weird scene!

(they pause, notice the flute player, Barbado [LeSesne Hilton] a zombie blowing like a hypnotized cobra /snake charmer combo all the while, casting the gloom mood in the first place most likely)
Bobby Pickett: What's with him?
Khorda: He's achieving his future
A hippie: Get in there, Barbados
Another hippie: Yeah. Lay it down, man

The kids gather wide-eyed like he's Manson Poppins, wanting him to say more, man, about the stars and shit. Fix the place up, first. Clean house, sayeth Korda, and switch to an all living things diet (like a vegan Renfield) and he'll be back to discuss further the ways of things. Then, dig it, he vanishes. It's like whoa. The 'now generation' patter continues once the cleaning montage is over. If I could I'd write it all down --it's so spot on/off.  Khorda says he's from 'The Isles of Maybe" and picking apart a flower, notes its beauty is a conceit, "as ephemeral as man's wish for immortality. But little things are odd -- he freaks out over Monk's iron cross pendant (I used to have on just like it). Fuck this bullshitter, says Monk, and announces he's going out for some steak... and some whiskey!! Man, if I was still drinking, that line would have made me stand up and cheer! It might be the best line in a biker film since, say it with me, Heavenly Blue's telling the priest he wants to get loaded in THE WILD ANGELS.

But there's something amiss that Monk, for all his abrasiveness, is hep to, reminding us of the speech about 'needing the assholes' at the end of TEAM AMERICA. After a cleaning montage (cooperation is beautiful - far out), Khorda returns with Barbado, this time playing the conga; Khorda puts the bite on Essine, and the kids hear her scream upstairs. When they come back down, Essine's there dancing. The music "consecrates them to immortal life." But the second sign something is wrong is that Khorda doesn't like when you try to skip out. Pico and Rona figure they better split fast, especially once everyone else starts dancing too. Hey man, let's split. Khorda is taking them outside time-space, as any good guru is wont to do and the scene with them dancing in slow motion has a weird druggy vibe that lets you know, yes, Khorda is delivering the spiritual goods. The trick of all gurus of course is that once you surrender your will to theirs then yes, you feel a deep egoless bliss and connection to the eternal now, but you've also just let someone else take over and now you can't escape the guru's clutches even if you start to smell a rat.

After the excellent Lazlo Kovacs-esque cinematography by Butler what makes DEATHMASTER so supreme is the marvelously off-the-wall cast and their unholy raiment: As with the man called Dean Stockwell in PSYCH-OUT, Ewing wears a combination Native American headband long black hair wig probably 'borrowed' from the B-western unit. His pretty face resembles a young Robert Conrad, and though he can't act, his bi-polar veering from super-hammy to super-low key (making it seem like he was being yelled at by the frustrated director between sets, "show emotion!") finally pays off when he 'snaps' into a weird bug-eyed maniac mode. Whatever the method it took to get him there, I like it. As his girlfriend Rona, Brenda Dickson (below) is a blast --with big expressive eyes, Ellen Burstyn meets Jaclyn Smith vibe and a body that knows just how stretch lithely to expose a celestial pale midriff. She's cuter than most, with real star quality, wearing the same Howard Hughes-designed bras of AIP beach girls; she's accessibly naive girl-next-door yet cool, open, eyes dilating and contracting on command, and best of all she seems genuinely thrilled to be on camera no matter in what capacity. It's her infectious good nature that seeps into the corners of the film like helium and lifts the whole first swath. Alas she disappears for most of the second swath, though her absence creates an anxiety in young Pico that we feel too.

As the Van Helsing there's Pop ('voice of Pooh') Fiedler, a mousy middle aged little balding capitalist in a hippie vest and sandals, who looks out for the kids. It's to him Pico runs when he realizes the truth about this suave new guru Khorda, and of course when this long-haired faux Native American Pico barges in on him foaming at the mouth and raving about vampires, Pop just assumes he's on acid. Why wouldn't he? Who hasn't been tripping at a party and have some hip know-it-all older skeeve show up with coke and turn what was moments ago a peace-love-unity happening into a dirtbag-studded fiend fest of foamy-mouthed sex-obsessed reptilian egotists and had to run, screaming and hysterical, naked into the night? I used to rant myself hoarse trying to convince Johnny that his couch guest Doug E. Fresh was a moronic townie dirtbag who could give him nothing but IOUs, lowered whiskey bottle water lines, and crabs. Johnny would just look at me slack-jawed. It was a nightmare.

At least Pop's convinced eventually (his dog gets killed, of course) and soon they're examining a paperback on magical cults through the ages, very typical of west coast used bookstores at the time, and those same books are probably still there, well-thumbed and never purchased by the dirty broke hippies of the region. Dude, I bought a used paperback of Gravity's Rainbow at one of those bookstores, and was raving to my friend Beth about all the reptilian evil swine around us at Reggae on the River. She thought I was hallucinating too. Why wouldn't she listen?? I barely understood a word of Pynchon's prose but I kept reading, hoping she would be impressed. It was the summer of 1990, there was a massive draught so no campfires, and Operation Green Sweep was in full effect, so no weed. Ever try to camp without a campfire, or enjoy reggae without weed, or share close quarters while traveling platonically with a gorgeous blonde hippie while suffering terrible DSB? Or read an 800+ page book with no comprehension of its presumedly rich historical subtext? It's enough to make anyone see vampires everywhere. I was ready to drown myself, but could barely afford enough whiskey to make it worth the drive into McKinleyville. And when I got it back to camp, the seagulls, as the song goes, would descend, or were they more like vampire bats, for every drop of that 1.75 of Ten High should have been coursing through my grateful bloodstream instead of theirs.

And that brings us to the final marvelous performance in the clan - the 'adult' in the group, the great Robert Quarry, who'd played a similar role in the two Count Yorga movies the previous years. You would think this might be the third film in the series, considering as Yorga he started as a self-help guru to a slightly older and richer enclave of California swingers, but there's apparently no relation, which is fine, because I like this film much better than either of those, and I know full well they're far better reviewed than DEATHMASTER. But Quarry doesn't ham it up or phone it in until the very end, when he drops one of the fakest worst evil laughs-turned-screams in horror history, which is followed almost immediately by Ewing's farewell "Lorna... it's all right Lonra" speech, which must be seen and heard to be believed. Part of my tolerance is due to my penchant for this kind of indie DIY countercultural druggy ambiguity-horror aesthetic, but the other is that the photography is beautiful --it's easy to see why Bill Butler would go on to be one of the best in the business - there's a kind of Gordon Willis duskiness, he catches more than a few great magic hour shots, and even when Khorda claps the lights on in the mansion it still has a deep dusky atmosphere. And that abrupt switch from the PSYCH-OUT hippie house vibe to full on psychedelic uber-cheap vampire film is well turned by actor Ray Danton. Granted by then the whole enterprise has gone south, as the saying goes. But what a great drop!

There are annoying things, like that Pico is such a genius with booby traps but forgets to use his kung fu on Barbado, twice, and forgets he managed to defeat him the first time by just painting a cross on his chest, but never even thinks about bringing a real cross with him, or to bring a priest instead of the cops, fucking Paul Walker-Keanu Reeves narc type that he is.

I kept hoping that it would turn out that the only way to defeat Khorda would be to get a hair cut, a suit and a job. But you can't have everything.

But, if you have Prime and a tolerance for plastic fangs, you can have 90 minutes with the DEATHMASTER. May the joy it bring add fruitful notes to your blood's bouquet! Ave Santa Sangrardo! 

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