As bi-polar March melts and freezes and jumps 30 degrees up and down almost every day here in NYC, I'm a veg, Danny, my SADD dragging me around like Angel tied to the back of Mapache's automóvil. My...
View ArticleRetrofuturist Pharma III: The "Metatextual Cigar" Edition: ASCENSION, VENTURE...
While the weirdest war of isolated 'fake' reality constructs-- a Hollywood stoner comedy about killing a dictator vs. a dictator whose constructed his own fantasy that's stuck in the past-- we have on...
View ArticleDruggie Vampire Women of B&W City: A GIRL WALKS HOME ALONE AT NIGHT, THE...
If the old adage is true that no one ever thinks about you as much as you think, then and only then, Bad City, Unreal City, the City of Devils, where you can at least write about it, and like so many...
View ArticleGreat Acid Easter Cinema: THE GREEN PASTURES (1936)
This 1936 all-black folk interpretation of the Old Testament draws 'Uncle Tom'-style flak from liberal academia, and maybe they're right (1), but on the other hand, God is portrayed as a black man (Rex...
View ArticleBabaDOOK! Jennifer Kent's Psychotropic Fairy Tale comes to Blu-ray
Most soap operas are trite, cliche'd and overwrought but doesn't mean we should dismiss Douglas Sirk; costume dramas are often barrenly obsequious but that doesn't mean we should dismiss Jane Campion;...
View ArticleFerociously Iron Age Irish Bog Mummy Telekinetic Sorceress Alcoholic Hottie:...
Ireland - birthplace, perhaps, of western horror and alcoholism. When they got there "it was raining, or was about to rain, or had just rained" intones the wandering lassie narrator. Bram Stoker was...
View ArticleIf I were a guest TCM Programmer / and you were TWO ladies:THE MOTHER AND THE...
My last virtual TCM schedule was such an excess they said add another - and I never say no to a menage-a-trois, I just run home to call my sponsor. Or hide in the movies, and no movie hides you better...
View ArticleGravediggers of 1933: THE INTRUDER, SECRET OF THE BLUE ROOM, BEFORE DAWN,...
As I've written in the past, 1933 was a magical year for movies, and America: it saw the election of FDR, the repeal of prohibition, and 'ahem' the rise of Hitler into power (that last part, not so...
View Article10 Reasons DOOMSDAY (2008)
Every blood moon or so comes a movie I seem to be in the minority of calling great. I'm happy to time and again sacrifice time on the altar of their DVDs. And for them, the ten reasons:Â 10 Reasons...
View ArticleThe Gummo Marx Way: INHERENT VICE (2014)
The sexy girl was languidly gyrating atop our seated hero when the drugs began to take hold. Her every slow deep rhythmic breath sending electric thin twisty second chakra waves through my senses, me...
View ArticleHarpo out of Hell: MIAMI BLUES (1990)
Fans of Miami Blues (recently released on a spiffy Blu-ray), are maniacs, or rather fans of maniacs, especially when safely across the screen. We are connoisseurs of true film maniacs, in that they are...
View ArticleThe Gummo Marx Way: INHERENT VICE (2014)
The sexy girl was languidly gyrating atop our seated hero when the drugs began to take hold. Her every slow deep rhythmic breath sending electric thin twisty second chakra waves through my senses, me...
View ArticleDeath to Realism!! eXistenZ + Oculus Rift Vs. Marcel Duchamp + Al Texas...
With every passing year, Cronenberg's 1999 mindbender eXistenZ grows in its many-tentacled relevance. 1999, lest we forget, was a year when the internet was still only five or six years old and
View ArticleShe Even Breaks: Edie Sedgwick in CIAO! MANHATTAN
It's probably a sign of your mental health whether you find Warhol superstar /debauched debutante extraordinaire Edie Sedgwick's continued toplessness in Ciao! Manhattan (1972)Â sexy or just tragic. If...
View ArticleChop Wood, Carry Sponsors: MAD MEN Finale
This weekend's TV was momentous with AMC's crown jewel ending at the beginning of the glorious Free to Be You and Me 1970s. Don Draper finally hit bottom and was, as always happens, in the right place...
Bert I. Gordon, one of the few schlockmeisters whose career spanned both the 1950s 'big bug movie' craze (Beginning of the End, Amazing Colossal Man, Earth vs. the Spider) and the 1970s Jaws eco-horror...
View ArticleInternational Hawksblocker: HATARI!, RED LINE 7000
Howard Hawks fans like myself expect motif repetitions: if something works in one Hawks film, you can be damn sure he's going to use it again, and why not? His riffs and motifs tap into deep archetypal...
View ArticleNot what it looks Like: HONEYMOON, FORCE MAJEURE
In the old days, before VHS and Betamax, there was something called memory. Films were he-said-she-saids subject to the warping effects of recollection. If and when the films resurfaced after leaving...
View ArticleManson Poppins: DEATHMASTER
The Age of Aquarius... remember when it dawned? Wast thou thar? Wist thar thou? Into that dawning yawning chasm, a new kind of exploitation film for to find, dangling down drive-ins of the mind? From...
View ArticleSummer of my Netflix Streaming I: A Psychedelic Odyssey
It's the time of year when people come to me and say "Dude, how can you just sit there watching movies when it's so nice out??" Splayed upon the couch, I retort "duuuude, I'm going to get up any...
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