So, if you can still drink, o pen up another packet of powdered whiskey and sneak some peeks through the black rainbow looking glass end of reality films.
(1976) Dir. George P. Cosmatos
**1/2 / Amazon Image - A-
(1973) Dir. George Romero
*** 1/2/ Amazon Image - A
It's long been one ugly looking film but recently it's gotten a loving restoration; Prime's print glows with warm colors, at least in the beginning where the blue eyes of a blonde girl seem otherworldly and rampant fire burns heavenly orange and the naked skin of nurse Lane Carroll is a heavenly in its rosiness. Romero edits in the same multiple camera whiplash style that made Dawn of the Dead so unique in its structure.
As with our own codename: Corona, Trixie travels faster than the ability of the governmental operatives to contain it, and by the time the right response arrives we have to widen the perimeter of the outbreak and start all over again. ("If Trixie jumps perimeter, this could could travel across the entire continent.") When instructed to send in one of the scientists who worked on the virus, they grab Richard "Dummies! Dummies!" France (Romero's equivalent to Cronenberg's Joe Silver) "Jesus Christ this is so RANDOM!" he shouts. He's masterful, and centers the film with that great bullhorn voice.
Lastly, you have to love any film as clued in the bliss of the morning hours, it's a film that starts at one in the morning and sees the sun come up on a whole new world about halfway through. It's not unlike the morning after one of those old SU block parties in the late 80s, with zonked people staggering around and the sense the town has been altered by chemicals and nothing will ever be the same again. If you were there, you know what I mean. And there's Lynn Lowry as a sheltered young hippie-ish girl who winds up losing her virginity to her father during one of the more disturbing sequences. They're all going insane so we can't really judge him by the same criteria as the sane, but there you go.
The remake is also on Prime, and pretty good as far as these things go, but now that it's been restored to glowy perfection, the original is the way to go (PS -There are numerous uploads of this film on Prime, at least where I am, so if the image isn't sublime, try another link.)
(1977) Dir. David Cronenberg
***1/2 / Amazon Image - A
Cronenberg's second film after Shivers, we get a gross medical shot of Dr. Keloid using what looks like an electric cheese sliver to peel off the upper epidermis of heavenly Marilyn Chambers' legs, which is a crime against sexiness. Luckily she gets a chance to really show her stuff and the shots of her walking down the street in the neon lights in her fur coat, her super Breck girl clean hair and Ivory soap skin making her come on to the sleazy lonesome dude in the adult movie house all the more fascinating. The sexuality of viral infections and the way sexual addiction and drug addiction ("I've been lying in bed so long; I ache all over,") are both about ultimately becoming vampires for warmth. As with his other 70s films, Cronenberg is a master at dialogue and believable medical scenarios; When Marilyn finds one of the nurses in the hot tub, she says "I better get out soon - I'm getting all wrinkly." And there's a great detail when a rabid lunatic is shot on the hero's car, the men in hazmat suit spray his windshield where the blood with sterilizing agents.

And now that it's restored the warm-hued photography glows with magic. Nothing is more soothing than seeing Marilyn Chambers bed down with a sleepy cow in a beautifully-lit barn in the dead of night, or smiling as she saunters past a poster for Carrie on the Montreal streets after killing a guy in the adult movie house.
The film doesn't quite gel as well as Shivers - which keeps itself into one swinging high rise; but Rabid is the shit as a film about Canada, a place where the vastness and the niceness go hand in hand, and one hot kitten like Marilyn Chambers can drive a city to its knees with just a deadly embrace.

Dir Gaspar Noe
**** / Amazon Image - A
Sofia Boutella (center above), the lush sinuous Algerian dancer/actress (she was the latest incarnation of The Mummy and a cute alien in Star Trek: Beyond, etc.) stars, or is the most recognizable and sympathetic of the gathered dancers in this ultimate in bad trip dance movies; though we only follow her about 1/3 or so of the time as the relentlessly prowling camera regularly checks in on the various fates of various poor damned souls with the restless rhythm of a jonesing coke fiend looking for the slightest telltale sniffle in a gathered throng. I wanted to list some of the atrocities that result, but one is better off not knowing beforehand, nor the actor's amount of neurochemical 'preparation' for their roles. Their ferocity is so convincing and the flow from organized normalcy (if their wild-but-controlled arcane dancing style, a mix of modern and street filmed--in the longest take--from above, like a zonked Busby Berkley-- to insane madness so organic that--being dancers all--even in their wracked state their bodies never cease moving and twisting to the throbbing incessant music, blurring the lines between this as an 'acid test' tragedy horror film and a kind of extended 90 minute dance performance. It seems almost impossible this isn't cinema verité from some weird circle of Hell, capturing a very real experience with some magic invisible camera, the floating soul eye from Noé's 2009 masterpiece, Enter the Void meets an impromptu Panic Theater happening down at Aronofsky's Chilean basement, or something. Since we barely see anything of the outdoors, or any 'sane' perspective after a certain period in the film, we lose contact with the real world as much as the actors, leaving us lost in the same weird cabin fever collective break.
Directed by the sturdy and reliable Italian talent Bruno Mattei, boosted by a deliriously frantic Goblin synth score (some of which is recycled from past zombie outbreaks), Virus welds elements of the Mondo Cannibal genre (thanks to its New Guinea setting and rather revolting stock scenes of tribal post-mortem rituals) and Romero's Dawn of the Dead (as in a combination of a male and female journalist + male members of a SWAT team banding together in a zombie nightmare), with a screenplay co-written by Claude Troll 2 Fragasso (and Mattei). Margie Newton stars as an intrepid journalist who winds up accidentally embedded in a commando team deep into the jungle on a classified mission to investigate a gas leak at a remote experimental plant that's been causing you know what. You got to love when Newton strips down and paints herself crazy colors and starts leading the group into the village ("you can join me in an hour..") to bear witness to grotesque and disturbing mondo stock footage. ("why should nature suddenly start breaking its own laws?"). Great moments like that, or when one of commandos kisses a native during the drunken revelry as a zombie from the background kisses her than takes a bit out of her shoulder, all very casual. It's pretty stomach churning at times but that's what you pay for. The stock shots of the natives, covered in red mud (to keep the flies off?) running en masse, mixed with zombies and freaking out UN reps, is pretty effective in a random kind of found meaning way (we get the image of everyone in Africa just running away from the zombies, forever running, in swarm strength, to nowhere) And there's a stinger of a grisly ending.
(1980) Dir. Bruno Mattei
*** / Amazon Image - A-
Directed by the sturdy and reliable Italian talent Bruno Mattei, boosted by a deliriously frantic Goblin synth score (some of which is recycled from past zombie outbreaks), Virus welds elements of the Mondo Cannibal genre (thanks to its New Guinea setting and rather revolting stock scenes of tribal post-mortem rituals) and Romero's Dawn of the Dead (as in a combination of a male and female journalist + male members of a SWAT team banding together in a zombie nightmare), with a screenplay co-written by Claude Troll 2 Fragasso (and Mattei). Margie Newton stars as an intrepid journalist who winds up accidentally embedded in a commando team deep into the jungle on a classified mission to investigate a gas leak at a remote experimental plant that's been causing you know what. You got to love when Newton strips down and paints herself crazy colors and starts leading the group into the village ("you can join me in an hour..") to bear witness to grotesque and disturbing mondo stock footage. ("why should nature suddenly start breaking its own laws?"). Great moments like that, or when one of commandos kisses a native during the drunken revelry as a zombie from the background kisses her than takes a bit out of her shoulder, all very casual. It's pretty stomach churning at times but that's what you pay for. The stock shots of the natives, covered in red mud (to keep the flies off?) running en masse, mixed with zombies and freaking out UN reps, is pretty effective in a random kind of found meaning way (we get the image of everyone in Africa just running away from the zombies, forever running, in swarm strength, to nowhere) And there's a stinger of a grisly ending.
(Aka Atlantis Interceptors)
(1983) Dir. Ruggero Deodato
**** (Amazon Image - B-)
Right up there with Nightmare City and Contamination as far as recently-discovered Italian psychotronica I can return to again and again when the never-ending film marathon of my life runs dry of viable programming options. I've already seen Raiders at least four times since discovering it in 2017. There are so many reasons it rocks: Christopher Connelly and Tony King as a pair of mercs who own a boat together, with Hawksian attention paid to cigarettes, alcohol, and manly camaraderie (they also have a helicopter pilot buddy played by Ivan Rassimov). Giola Scol is an archaeologist flown from her Machu Picchu dig to a remote oil derrick where George Hilton and company are raising a Russian sub, due to an Atlantean plaque found down on the ocean floor. Then... shortly after the sub is raised, so too comes.... Atlantis! This triggers a strange reaction in a certain percentage of the nearby population, turning them all into marauding savages, driving around in their pimped out bikes and ride slaughtering everyone who's not infected with their strange madness. The leader calls his gang 'The Interceptors' and announces the return of the Atlanteans and that all others "but one" must die. Time to get the molotov cocktails lined up, and--luckily--find a warehouse full of guns and ammo.

7. SHE
(1984) Dir. Avi Nescher
***1/2 / Amazon Image - A
Sandahl Bergman is the goddess of her little slice of the post-'cancellation' wasteland but decides to wander to the north with a handsome idiot (since it's pre-ordained by her oracle) and in the process runs into scrapes with everyone from New Yoahk-accented mutants to crazed warriors in a post-war ruined city and even acolytes of a 'one god' mutant boy who can control matter with his green flashing eyes. There's also a powdered-wig naturalist and his tutu-wearing henchman; and decadent werewolf aesthetes listening to a gramophone (led by David Brandon). Sandahl and her right hand woman endure the rack, flogging, the old trash compacting wall cliffhanger, and display a lot of cool feminist force. Israeli auteur Ari Nesher wanted to make sure women weren't objectified, but man do we become thankfully acquainted with Bergman's incredibly lithe dancer legs. Symbols of great strength as well as lithe dancer grace and beguilement.
Bits like Sandahl's being startled into sword out readiness after stepping on a stray rubber duck by the werewolf elite's swimming pool all come tumbling and it's very well paced, relentlessly entertaining and packed with crazy songs, rock anthems galore. The Prime print is great clearly taken from the latest must-have Blu-ray edition. (full review)
(1978) Dir. Allan Arkush
** / Amazon Image - B-
"Remember your code," Richard Lynch tells 'guide' David Carradine in a great low whisper threat monologues: "every tear of patience builds the value." A film for the dirt bike-riding 16 year-old arsonist in all of us, DEATHSPORT was meant to be a DEATH RACE 2000 sequel but instead gives us moody crypto-poetry, blazing fireballs, matte paintings of futuristic dystopian cities, and that old LA desert scrub being ground underfoot by tricked-out dirt bikes. With no sense of humor about its own absurdity, the mix of Arkush-shot action and Niciphor shot pretentious dialogue wizzes along with lots of crazy lasers shot out of Pringles cans and swords made of colored plastic are held vertically as much as possible since they must weigh a ton. Claudia Jennings is a female ranger guide (as in the best Corman stealth-feminism, she's as tough and wise and as combat-proficient as any of the men - and prettier too)

Still, it's Richard Lynch, as the bad guy / master henchman, who steals the show. He gets all the best lines, purred in a mellow emotionless forceful calm: "You call me animal, after all I tried to do to make you feel at peace?" Whatever his fall from grace, he's openly admirable towards the memory of Carradine's warrior mother (whom he killed in battle), giving him the ultimate warrior greeting: "Salute your mother for me." Andrew Stein's synthesizer score provides a great minimalist mess of wind sounds, zaps, and sustained notes somewhere between the Bebe's FORBIDDEN PLANET and faux John Carpenter. His attempts at actual melody are terrible, but then---who should appear?-- Jerry Garcia noodles his Gibson forth, in and around in the mix, coming and going at the darndest times. And as anyone who ever sat through a Dead show can tell you, if you depend on Jerry to lead you out of the caves of aimless noodling, well, you're going to be in there a long while and things might get weird.
(1984) Dir. Bruno Mattei
**/ Amazon Image - B+
This is not the usual rat movie, so don't be fooled! It's a post-apocalyptic gang war style cousin to the Warriors of the Wasteland, and Escape from the Bronx, etc. all made in Italy in the wake of the creative and box office success of Escape from New York, The Warriors, The Road Warrior, and Conan the Barbarian. All four elements were swirled together in the Italian trash auteur tradition --it makes a meaty stew. Mattei steals from the best! SNAP. That was another trap.
I still would have run the other way seeing this on some 80s pan-and-scan cable channel, but El Rey and HD have brought new life to it: the restored deep blacks and deep rich grime shades help us get over the general displeasure seeing masses of rats congregated in a room with no clear motive or cheese incentive. In fact these poor rats all seem rather bewildered, tired, underpaid. Lukily director Bruno Mattei made sure no rats were harmed during filming. Oh wait, this is Italy, so yeah they probably were. But in a hellscape like this, the dead are the lucky ones. And at least we don't see them look all betrayed and startled as they're shot with a Bert I. Gordon pink pellet paint gun in slow motion like we do in Food of the Gods. We see one running on fire, but in general they're mere extras; we don't see them much but hey, they try hard, and the editor tries to make it all fit together and I suppose it might if you were half asleep in a dark drive-in.

But what makes it work (for the fans) is the terrible dubbing and game if amateur acting/directing, centering around the dubious wisdom of gang leaders Kurt and the competitor for his alpha position, the Native American GI-esque Duke. Duke's right, after all, Kurt basically makes all the wrong moves; he must have got the job for being best looking; but he spoils his credibility when he says lame shit like"Open up in the name of humanity!!" after blindly trusting Duke to unlock to door and to guard the women in the other room while he and a bunch of other guys try to turn walking down a small flight of basement steps (there's lots of walking in place and reacting to rats that were presumably going to be overlaid in a process shot that never quite took. But the print on Prime is sublime, so whaddaya gonna do?
(1980) Dir. Luigi Cozzi
*** / Amazon Image - A

(1998) Dir. Abel Ferrara
**1/2 / Amazon Image - A
William Gibson's future was here awhile ago; this doesn't even seem like science fiction anymore. One has to get used to its haphazard sense of economy (the whole last 1/4 replays the first 2/3 as DeFoe hides out from everyone in an old warehouse storage unit, trying to figure where it all went wrong. But before then, it's a pretty sexy, strange ride. For maximum 90s effect there's a very druggy and erotic striptease club hookup with Asia Argento--impossibly young and vibrant and oh so sexy--set to Cat Power. And the rest of the time Willem Dafoe and Chris Walken hang out in the title hotel, seldom leaving as they coordinate a high-level corporate headhunt steal, using Argento in a honey trap to lure a top feeding Japanese scientist over to a rival corporation. It's all kind of odd but what works and makes sense is just how ahead of the curve it is as far as Facetime, Google Hangouts and Zoom as preferred means of business communication, and how one might become impossibly rich with the click of a wire transfer button, and lose it all just as quickly, maybe without ever getting to spend or see any actual currency. It fits that the movie falls apart so dramatically, looping back on itself in a zonked quest to unravel meaning from itself, and--finding none--just focuses in on how damned hot that Asia looks in a red bathing suit, slinking around the hotel indoor pool like she owns the continent.
OK - the next two films are not great, but they are amazing; so bear with me, if you dare,
(1987) Dir. Nico Mastarakis
* / Amazon Image - A

Unlike in better films the blood of the infected automatically turns food color green, not unlike the saliva of the tainted souls in Rabid.
So yeah, a lot of Wings-on-black van violence. Lots of shooting at inanimate objects. Heavy fireballs and for some reason Bo Hopkins turns out to be the real star, as a drifter with military ops connections, yet he can't just shoot like an ordinary person - he has to run and jump and fire from the hip on the run atop the drive-in snack bar roof. The bad guy is an albino dressed in white wearing Lone Ranger mask wraparound shades (and is played by Brion "Wake up! Time to Die" James). He never speaks just rides through the same terrain John Wayne once traipsed and gestures towards his SWAT flunkies to stage the next ambush. With the cheesy synths and lap dissolves egging their horses on, our three heroes -- Bo, Wings, and the cute girl deputy (Kimberly Ross), ride from one stunning Utah Red Rocks vista to another. Seriously, how do some of them rocks stay way up there? At least the henchman bad guy seem like they've shot guns before the making of this film. Since they never speak or take off their shades, we gather they're all stuntmen. We don't get a lot of that from our heroic threesome.
So many bullets! So much firing. Finally Wings gets shot and the movie can get awesome. Theres a great death as a stuntman goes rolling down the rocky hill. When he runs out of targets, our mute albino shoots his own men. At least Bo really is a hell of a guy. He even kisses the girl, old enough to be his daughter by a half mile. Gotta love the 80s. And even the 90s. Hell, even the 00's. It's only the '10s when that shit started to get suspect. Still, it's pretty gross to watch them make out. And what about those poor horses? By the end, you'd think the film had totally slipped its moorings and become some tedious TV western movie for the Hallmark Channel. But then Bo and James square off across the rocks, each having a helicopter flying stationary behind them - gotta love that. Bo's is bigger, with rocket launchers! Get 'im, Bo!
(1953) Dir. Phil Tucker
* / Image - B
Though the post-apocalyptic fantasia Robot Monster is not as wondrous as Al Zimbalist's other 1953 production, Cat Women of the Moon, (also on Prime) it's like the yang to its yin. The two films are opposites on every front: Robot Monster is shot entirely outdoors and during the daytime; Cat Women is shot entirely on sets representing space and the dark side of the moon (so eternal night). The women of the moon are seductive, powerful and strong-willed. There's only one 'good' cat woman, who, like some Eastern European defector, longs for an American experience ("what you call.. a Coke") with the nice boy radio operator. Ro-Man (the infamous gorilla with a diving helmet) on the other hand in this film is part of a faceless league of all-powerful alien thugs, all with the same booming canned voice. These beings are all powerful, yet even having five or six people left alive on the vast earth is such a massive threat all their plans are put on hold. At the same time, For such a threat to humanity, Ro-Man is very easy to spy on, and leaves his equipment (including the famous bubble machine) right out in the mouth of the cave. No one ever thinks of just knocking over the machines (no doubt as they are rented).
Like Ro-man I have a real yen for one of the surviving humans, Al-lice (Claudia Barrett), who has a great habit of sticking her chest out, chin up and assuming a sublimely haughty, challenging "I am not afraid" look, all while breathing in a very carnal sacral chakra manner. And though we get way too many patriarchal imbecilities and maudlin praying, the film never boring, and always ridiculous. " I'm impressed that, after all the patriarchal pleas to god and Ro-Man for mercy in John Mylong's German professor accent, director Phil Tucker isn't afraid to have Ro-Man strangle a five year-old girl, and then rip Alice's dress. Bam! Elmer's church chimes come blaring down like someone shot a hole through Goldsmith's OMEN theme. "If Ro-Man wants us, he should calculate us," notes Mylong. "The great one himself sends the cosmic blast!" retorts the head Ro-Man from space Skype. It's so good you can see it again mere minutes after its over, especially if you stop when I say and skip the 'waking up' ending - and just stop after the melange of One Million Years BC outtakes, thus giving you the impression that--fed up by Ro-Man's stalling on killing Alice--the 'Great One' decides to destroy the entire planet, which is a bit like intentionally totaling your new car just because you found a dead wasp in the glove compartment.
And for bad film completists, we have the game George Barrows (the 'nurse' in Mesa of Lost Women) as Ro-Man, trundling to and fro like Cliff Osmond, carrying an occasionally kicking A-lice up and down Bronson Canyon! Savor the thundering Wagner-meets-Raymond Scott-ishness of Elmer Bernstein's booming score (one of his first, and--along with his great eerie work on Cat-Women of the Moon! (Why isn't there a Robot Monster/Cat Women Elmer Bernstein soundtrack album out?) Marvel at the decision of the only family left alive (due to the German doctor's "invisibility shield" and "immunity serum") to tie daughter Al-lice's hand with a shoelace to stop her from escaping their bomb crater basement hideout to meet Ro-Man who feels "that she would understand" him. Gape at sexist lines like "you're either too smart to be so beautiful or too beautiful to be so smart." Look real close and you can see the effects guy's white-napkin-covered hand holding the sparkler-besieged model rocket, making it go zoom zoooom!
Quit watching before the kid wakes up and finds out is was a dream. As you can tell from looking outside on the deserted streets... it was no dream.
See also on Prime:
3 Neo-Jungian Fairie Wave
3 Off the Road Vehicles
7 Ennio Morricone-scored Giallos (1970-75)
6 Badass Post-ROAD WARRIOR Gang Violence Trips (1982-85)
4 Post-CONAN Barbarian Sagas
6 Dope Analog Sci-fi Nugs (1978-87)
6 Post-JAWS New World Horrors (1978-80)
7 Badass New World Rebel Girl Uprisings (1971-79)
13 for Halloween, Lost Causes and Autumnal Catalepsies
10 Swingin' Monsters of the 70s
15 Cool/Weird Horror/Sci-fi Films
12 Weird/Cool Italian Films
10 Fairly Bad Sci-Fi Gems
13 Best or Weirdest Occult/Witch movies
12 Nifty Vampire Films
6 Surreal Wuxia Wonders
5 Awesomely Psychotronic Films to Prepare you for the New Trumpmerica