Just a Juggalo: JOKER + The Psychotic Sometimes Swims, Harley Quinn, Harley...
Meanwhile, back in Gotham, here comes another chaotic neutral character from DC Comics, the whirling sexy batwielding, bat-smashing Harley Quinn. The engines hum but the advance critical notice is...
View ArticleRetro-Futurism was Sure to Go: 10 Cool International 60s Sci-fi Trips...
 Lately I've been unable to escape a yen for all things sci-fi mid-60s --the stretch between Sputnik and the moon landing, when an ex-Nazi rocketeer named Werner released through Disney a series of...
View ArticleRetreat to Move Forward: YOR, THE HUNTER FROM THE FUTURE (1983)
We live in a mighty strange time, but when things look bleakest, don't forget about our ace in the hole. Nothing can be too bad when we have YOR, THE HUNTER FROM THE FUTURE (1983). This bonzo-zipped...
View ArticleGettin' Ripped: Luigi Cozzi's PAGANINI HORROR (1989) on Blu-ray
If ever there was a time to order Blu-rays of things you want to see on your desert island after civilization's you-know-what, it's the canon of Luigi "The Italian Ed Wood" Cozzi, which is now all...
View ArticleSlide, Vaquero! SHIP OF MONSTERS (1960)
It's spring in the pre-or-post disease era, time to crack open the Youtube and dive into my weirdest/best discovery de la Mexico since La Maldicion del la Llorona (1963). Long unavailable in English...
View ArticleThrough the Barriers: HIGHWAY TO HELL, BERMUDA TRIANGLE, and EYE IN THE...
Hey, bud... sheltering in place? Living in the isolation, talking only by phones and Google Hangouts. But mostly.... mostly... watching movies online? Got Amazon Prime? Why not g'head and dig these...
View Article13 Great Films for Week X of a Pandemic (on Prime)
There's a pandemic going on outside and a bad year for spring pollen makes us indoor kids all sneezy and paranoid, thus robbing us of the schadenfreude we'd normally feel at being told we must stay...
"Drugs can be dangerous," notes Nick Offerman, dressed as a scientist in this cautious documentary, playing off all the anti-drug 'educational' films they used to show us in school. "But they can also...
View ArticleGone Hawks-in: AROUND THE WORLD UNDER THE SEA (1966)
"We know less about the deep oceans than we know about the surface of the moon!"There's never any question of getting the bends in the fun and oceanic quasi-sci-fi adventure film Around the World Under...
View ArticleNIGHTMARE USA: 10 Picks from Prime's Collection of 70s Horror Americana (via...
I've found a fine and massive tome for the summer's reading (and accompanying viewing) in British author Stephen Thrower's NIGHTMARE USA, a mammoth look at the locally-made independent horror cinema...
View ArticlePaula of the Apes: CAPTIVE WILD WOMAN, JUNGLE WOMAN, JUNGLE CAPTIVE (Scream...
An oft overlooked part of Universal's monster pantheon, Paula Dupree, the gorilla/human hybrid, starred in her very own trilogy: CAPTIVE WILD WOMAN, JUNGLE WOMAN, and JUNGLE CAPTIVE, all released in a...
This Friday (9/25/20) TCM is screening three of the six films that loosely comprise the Ivan Reiner/Antonio Margheriti Gamma One series, a mid-60s sexy space future where the United Democracy Space...
View ArticleOld Dark Capsules X: THE PHANTOM (1931), DRUMS OF JEOPARDY (1930), MURDER BY...
Autumn... despite our current plaga, it means all the best things in life (and death) are now arrived.. especially old dark house movies from the 1930s,These days, I wonder if I might be alone in this...
View ArticleWelcome to the Zugsmithery: SEX KITTENS GO TO COLLEGE (1960)
If you don't think film critics can make mistakes, consider the terrible reviews given the sublime SEX KITTENS GO TO COLLEGE, a C-list 1960Â madcap comedy (once likely called SEX POT GOES TO COLLEGE but...
View ArticleThe Swirling Mists of Chu Yuan: 70s Shaw Brothers Wuxia on Prime: SENTIMENTAL...
There are seemingly hundreds of old Shaw Brothers kung fu and wuxia films on Prime, enough in fact you can find a whole sub-school of them that fit your exact likes for your own massive bender. Me, I...
View ArticleFuest's Places: THE FINAL PROGRAMME (1973) aka THE LAST DAYS OF MAN ON EARTH
 What to do about Jon Finch? He can look as wan and bloated as any British drinker but when the dialogue and co-star is right, boy oh boy, he's like a prime era Peter O'Toole (in richly Shakeseparean,...
View ArticleHow the Hell Was Won: DEMONOID (1981), CRUISE INTO TERROR (1978)
INTRO: THE ORIGIN OF SATANIC PANICBlame it on the foundation-rattling popularity of The Exorcist andRosemary's Baby if you want, but the 70s was occult down to its bones, wilding out adults and...
View ArticleSomebody's Sins: SAINT MAUD, VIY
One subtopic of horror cinema that never grows stale (when done right) is folktale-sourced religious mania. I don't mean the dull misogynist witch burning and repressed hysteria, I mean the...
View ArticleAcidemic presents: Erich's 4 AM Favorites - on Youtube!
Erich Kuersten's "4 AM Favorites" as 4 AM is a curated list for the magic hour whether you are just waking up or staying up all night. People not alive to the moment are asleep, There is no pressure to...
View ArticleFree to Be You vs. Me: SLEEPAWAY CAMP (1983)
There's been an exciting upswing in the media presence of trans and/or non-binary young people these days, not merely activists or carpetbaggers but genuinely cool, free, unique types better than both...
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