Shark Weeks and Triangle Weekends: AnAcidemic Summer Reading List
 It's Shark Week on Discovery; and the ingeniously original "Sharkfest" on Nat-Geo (Streaming on Disney+!), in other words, more than ever, it's the right time to stay home in the AC, reaching to the...
View ArticleThe Tripping Cabalist - THE SARAGOSSA MANUSCRIPT (1965)
You know a weird old Polish movie is worth hunting down when Jerry Garcia loves it to the point he helped fund its restoration. Even though its black-and-white, made behind the iron curtain, three...
View ArticleMy TUBI Cue (Deadly Women Edition): 10 Weird Vintage Gems for the High and...
Unlimited constant availability makes choosing movies daunting. Now Tubi! With so may platforms and titles stretching into infinity, one can feel eternally stranded at some giant video store, paralyzed...
View ArticleThe Exaltation of Defeat: Ed Wood's FINAL CURTAIN (1957), NIGHT OF THE GHOULS...
"Patience is the only rewarding virtue." - Dr. AculaIt's Kenne "the Meanest Man in Movies" Duncan's big phony swami moment, and he's nailing it. His laconic gravel-pit voice resounds with John Wayne...
View ArticleGorilla, mon Amor: Ed Wood's THE BRIDE AND THE BEAST (1958) + UNTAMED...
"If you must go into the jungle, leave her there!"In old movies, gorillas (i.e. guys in gorilla suits) do many things: they break out of cages, creep behind secret panels, and--in a grand burlesque of...
View Article"Your powers are lightnings!!" Ed Wood's REVENGE OF DR. X (aka VENUS FLYTRAP)
  "I'll make you the most powerful thing on the universe! (sic)Move over Kenne Duncan, James Craig is on his way to the podium and he's in a shoving mood. Ignored far too long due to its twilight...
View ArticleEternal Rewards: ORGY OF THE DEAD (1965)
(Night #4 of the Ten Days of Ed Wood Acidemic Holiday Special) If you watch Plan Nine from Outer Space two or three times a year, as many of us do, you probably wish there could be a whole movie of...
View ArticleWay of the Coffin Flop: GAME OF DEATH II (1981)
 Night #6 of the 12 Days of Ed WoodSome deaths never last. Acolytes of the Great Bruce Lee temple generally sneer at the legions of posthumous 'final' films of their great one, for which there as many...
View ArticleHair of the Dogmatizer: THE BRAINIAC (1962)
Night 13 of The 12 Days of Ed Wood:I tried to watch the first episode HBO pandemic anxiety drama Station 11 last night and ended up locked in the bathroom, breathing erratically, trying not die from...
View ArticleCozzi takes the Cake: THE BLACK CAT (1989) aka Demons 6: De Profundis
Night 55 of Acidemic's 12 Days of Ed WoodCozzi's/Coates' CAT hath cometh to Blu-ray last year, and you gotta see it! It's not your grandparent's Black Cat (with Karloff) it's not your drunk uncle's 941...
View ArticleNoisemakers: NABONGA! (1944) , BOWANGA, BOWANGA (1951), EEGAH! (1962)
 12 Days of Ed Wood, Night 8Like everyone, I have a soft spot for old crappy, stock footage-jammed jungle movies from the 30s-40s (and sometimes 50s) but---as befitting the times--with a caravan of...
View ArticlePlaying Card Flapping in the Wheel of Progress: BEAST OF YUCCA FLATS (1961)
HIPPOLYTA- This is the silliest stuff that ever I heard.THESEUS - The best in this kind are but shadows; and the worst are no worse, if imagination amend them.HIPPOLYTA - It must be your imagination...
View ArticleThe Far Outsider: SHAITANI DRACULA
 "Confusion has made its masterpiece."                        - Macduff (Macbeth -Act 2, Scene 1 - Shakespeare)Man, my 12 Days of Ed Wood has won ray over schedule(this is only...
View ArticleBrokeback Barbarians vs. the Metalheads: CONQUEST (1983)
 "No one can rule the sun!"As DJ Stevie Wayne said, "there's something in the fog."It's Day 11 of the 12 Nights of Ed Wood, a series I began back in October. but inexorably, it gets bogged, fogged, and...
View ArticleO'Keefe, the Imperturbable: ATOR: THE FIGHTING EAGLE, THE BLADE MASTER, THE...
D'Amato captures a near-Frazetta style color and lighting scheme here."The dividing line between goodness and stupidity is very, very fine." - Zor, Ator 2: The Blade MasterWatching the Oscars last...
View ArticleRecent Favorites: Ten Weird Cinema Discoveries
Don't panic, but picking out a movie to watch is becoming ever more impossible. No filmmaker, artist or writer can help but be dismayed by the internet's total everything all the time availability....
Snaking her unhinged voluptuousness through the breezy soundstage jungles, medieval soundstage forests, hick towns and voodoo graveyards of drive-in independence, Allison Hayes was a special breed of...
View ArticleHad a Great Fall: Ed Wood's SINISTER URGE (1960), TAKE IT OUT IN TRADE...
 12 Nights of Ed Wood - Bonus Edition!The ultimate in strange wretched hypocrisy, jacked past the point of Russ Meyer's satirical sermons, Ed's last two films as a director would, fittingly, be an...
View ArticleSexy Occult 70s TV Movie Review Round-Up
The 70s--such a great time for supernatural-themed TV movies, usually on ABC. These old mellow vibe-casting fading star-studded thrill rides can seem mighty slow and uneventful to today's audiences,...
View ArticleOccult TV Movies of the 70s, Part 2: LOOK WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ROSEMARY'S BABY,...
Like many Gen-X-ers who grew up watching 70s network TV with the family, I am a child of the occult. The TV Movie of the Week on Friday nights, the ABC Tuesday Night Movie, or whenever, and sometimes...
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