The Primal Scenesters
(NOTE: TWIN PEAKS SPOILERS)Thanksgiving has come and gone, other holidays roll around and everyone with parents still alive slide into their special roles as composites of past versions of themselves...
View ArticleMyrna Loy: December's Salve
The holidays is a time for joy, giving, family, religious or cultural iconography, cold, boredom, old people smells, excited new dogs, alcoholism, despair, sunshine, candy caning, and-- saving every...
View Article"I never said it wasn't terrible" - 10 quasi-terrific Sci-Fi curios streaming...
Signs and wonders. I'll give you the names, and you say 'yes' or 'no,' - The Toe Cutter, Ib Melchoir, Elio Petri. Hey, if you need something to help put the kids to sleep, or have a need for something...
View ArticleBest of 2016
A dirty super dude/mutant lying back in a speeding garbage truck: is there a more apt image for the year? Considering all the other BLACK MIRROR stuff going on America shouldn't be too surprised it's...
View ArticlePost-American Pride: DEATH RACE 2050 (Roger Corman Lives!)
Brought Gulliver-low through Lilliputian micro-managerial fascism on the one side and kamikaze cabinet-casting by a rabid right on the other, America--by which I mean me, the ghost of Woody Guthrie,...
View ArticleThe Acidemic Table of Contents
The way things are going, man, who knows... so I wanted to present the entirety of links and posts thus far in a handy page rather than just the usual link sidebar (many of which disappeared in the...
View ArticleBell, Book, and Hallucinogenic Tampon: THE LOVE WITCH (2016)
"Men are very fragile. They get crushed down if you assert yourself in any way." notes our love-junky Wiccan Elaine (Samantha Robinson), voiceovering in her vintage convertible down Highway 101 from...
View Article"Come and get your yarbles!" ZARDOZ: British Acid Cinema v. 1
Once upon a distant English future, or stretch of its past long buried in the bog and/or under small beach pebbles of Stonehenge-y time, savages in maskies roamed the English countryside, raping and...
View ArticleAt long last, lost Lewtons (Shhh): ZOMBIES ON BROADWAY, THE FALCON AND THE COEDS
Val Lewton -- a man whose oeuvre of quite poetic B-movie horrors we knew even in the 80s of Central Jersey suburbia. If his movies were merely subtle and shadowy noir-horror ('noirror'), mere wisps of...
View Article10 Reasons LIFEFORCE (1985)
True story - I was staying with my buddy Alan at his grandparents' cottage in Cape May for the summer of '85 and they dropped us off to see LIFEFORCE, by which I mean, to see THE GOONIES which was...
View ArticleInternational Hallucinosis Part 1: 12 Cool/Weird Italian Films Streaming Free...
Amazon Prime just keeps getting better and weirder. Recently a whole plethora of great Japanese and Italian titles have come tumbling forth (just ask.... the Axis). So many it will take many posts to...
View ArticleTen Strange Films you should maybe Tape (April on TCM)
This being their first month without dear Robert (who died March 6th), I extend special love and encouragement to the TCM. So here's my culling of ten films worth taping. When I was a youth all the...
View ArticleWarren William, Vol. 2: A Perry Masonic Moveable Feast Outside the Gates of Eden
Now more than ever, and you know why, we need to examine the pre-code films of Warren William. Expert as a cruel capitalist, he's got plenty of moxy and wit and though way more charismatic than a...
View ArticleSchlock and Aww: BC BUTCHER and the Kansas Bowling Miracle
Could our current Alt-Right Hype-Bart macho backwash moment be the last gasp of a drowning buffalo? If so, it's a comfort that what is best in man, his ability to celebrate and pay tribute to strong...
View Article14 Must-tapes in May on TCM
May, a magical month on TCM, rich with Clark Gable pre-codes, surreal anti-war parables (all the rage before Pearl Harbor) and war celebrations (for Memorial Day). As Richard Dix says in ACE OF ACES,...
View ArticleBurnt Persona Jessica Drives Again (to Death, Sister): SWEET, SWEET LONELY...
Rolling through the ghostly corridors of a lonely girl's small town 70s American mind, via director A.D. Calvo, rides a retro-homage to the young girl-sunk-to-madness horror films of auld. SWEET, SWEET...
View ArticleAnti-Authority Nowhere Land: CONVOY (1978)
America needs a hero again, c'mon back Rubber Ducky 10-4 and remember that song "Convoy" by ole Cash McCall. Sure, now that the trucker craze is decades gone and it just sounds like some grizzled old...
View ArticlePitt Daddy Blasts Again: WAR MACHINE + All-Out War Acidemic Memorial Day...
I never fought in a real war, but growing up we played war with cap guns or plastic Uzis and I had HO scale planes dogfighting over my bed; I don't have to tell you how bad things are today with their...
View ArticleWakers from the Dream of Now: THE VOID, BEYOND THE GATES, DARK DUNGEONS
TWIN PEAKS is happening again; Agent Cooper has returned in different places as different selves; DANGER 5 is no longer on Netflix, but THE LOVE WITCH is. Things from the past come back yet nothing...
View ArticleThis is the (Dead) Girl: CASTING JONBENET, MULHOLLAND DR.
If you have Netflix and three-ish hours on your hands, why not bow your cowboy mouth down below your skies-are-not-cloudy and ride along in the buggy with "the Cowboy" to a double-feature shivaree fit...
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