Drool in a Crisis: JURASSIC WORLD vs. the Heche VOLCANO
Who'd of thought that real life dinosaurs of JURASSIC WORLD (2015) would one day become so banal that the DNA designers would invent the NEW Indominus Rex - only from InGen. The park needs a...
View ArticleAn Acidemic Godard Reader
 Over the years I've written a lot about old Godard, and a few have written for Acidemic on him as well. Read then this curated complete collection, and weep with hilarious wonder!Acidemic2 or 3 Ways...
View ArticleBangs and Beyond: THE MUMMY'S CURSE, LOST HIGHWAY
You may have forgotten February was Women in Horror Month, but not me. Even if I barely get in on it at the last minute, or even halfway thru March. Or even here in May? Wait, June now? Whatever, I've...
View ArticleSHARK WEEK Cools Me
It comes every year with the same half-kidding therapeutic post-macho cachet that James Bond week used to carry in the late 90s. We never have to worry what's on--no matter where we are- what to have...
View ArticleCinemArchetype 27: Androgyne/Alien
I'll confess, it's not the horror in Florida a few weeks ago, the Pride Parade this past Sunday, or the passing of the great collective of chameleonic trickster personae, artistic incarnations, and...
View ArticleCinemArchetype 27: Androgyne/Alien
I'll confess, it's not the horror in Florida a few weeks ago, the Pride Parade this past Sunday, or the passing of the great collective of chameleonic trickster personae, artistic incarnations, and...
View ArticleFantasy Phallus Fallacy: SATURN 3
"You're inadequate, Major... in every area."Nothing's easy when you're young, and when you're old nothing's hard, as the saying went... before Viagra. Oh foul Pfizer, accursed stumbling block towards...
View ArticleAngels of Death Summer Viewing List: The Badass Brunette Edition
It's summer time man, and if you're a Nordic in genes and temperament it's not your favorite season (that would be autumn) so that means lots of time staying home (academia!) and watching old horror...
View ArticleRepetition Convulsions: THE GIANT CLAW, TOUCH OF EVIL, THE HATEFUL EIGHT
As I was last night preparing to edit this I was flipping from TCM--THE LAST DETAIL with dimwit sailor Randy Quaid having premature issues with undead prostitute Carol Kane--to EPIX with a paunchy...
View ArticleFay Wray is the Devil: THE RICHEST GIRL IN THE WORLD
Aug. 5 - Fay Wray day on TCM, a great day to be a man, standing in front of a TV, looking at the most gorgeous of all legs, struggling to escape a giant Kong paw, and knowing, in your heart of hearts,...
View ArticleJills of Jack Hill (Part 1): BLOOD BATH, MONDO KEYHOLE, PIT STOP, SPIDER BABY
It's hard to say if Jack Hill 'gets' women. The grandfather of Pam Grier WIP (Women in Prison) films, he's never shied from lurid sex-sensationalism, but at the same time never belittled, demonized, or...
View ArticleAngels of Groovy Death #IV: Lynn Lowry Special Edition
With her big cat eyes, button nose and sudden smile, Lynn Lowry was a startling presence in the post-Manson horror of the early 70s, playing more or less the same character, a starry-eyed flower child,...
View Article10 Reasons: THE CAR (1977)
Nobody said living in a post-JAWS monster landscape was going to be a busket of clacks and thistles, because no matter how far above sea level you may park your groovy one-hearse town --this is the...
View ArticleThe Shrouds of Soavi: CEMETERY MAN, THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER
Once upon a time in swingin' Italy there was such a deep merging of art with blood and beauty that a beautiful blonde in a fashionable dress could stand on a corner, petulantly smoking, against a...
View ArticleHow am I not Myself? - INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (1956, 1978, 1993)
Very few stories are so Piscean in nature that their subtext can either be pro-or-anti nearly any social or cultural system, side or issue: INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS first appeared in the mid-50s,...
View ArticleTaste the Blood of Dracula's Prime: 12 Psychotronic Vampire films now...
Weird times, man. I've been laying low surfing around Amazon Prime like a deranged 'American Picker' of psychotronic oddities to collect and lay at your feet like so many dead mice. It's become even...
View ArticleOccult Streams of the Amazon (Prime): 13 Witching Hour Picks
The welcome and most unholy arrival of this year's big new horror classic, THE WITCH, onto Amazon Prime last week signaled the month (my favorite) of all unholy magic has arrived. Time for great...
View ArticleNightmare Logic: Lucio Fulci's HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY (1981)
October evenings in 2016--the usual chill of autumn warming the corpsey cockles of my hideous heart gone cold with heady heat. Has the Earth finally run dry of autumn leaf snap crackle and pop? Here in...
View ArticleAngels of Death List V: Magic Slut Split/Subject Maenads Edition
Magic sluts vs. doormat drudges dupable and dour, I pledge my eternal soul to you, badass brutal bitches of the cinema. In these 15 capsule review / character vivisections, I pen my praise. Be you...
This is an index of past reviews and current updates, as the links so carefully curated are gone. May these stay forever. For handy reference, I've emboldened personal favorites I've seen at least...
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