Dipsomaniac Amore: FALSTAFF (aka CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT)
We fans of Welles and of Macbeth dreamt long and loudly of one day seeing a CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT Criterion Blu-ray. Orson Welles' culling of Falstaff bits from several Shakespeare plays, put in a larger...
View ArticleJills of Jack Hill Part 2: BIG DOLL HOUSE, COFFY, SWINGING CHEERLEADERS,...
At last, the color portion of my promised Hill oeuvre, celebrating the mountain of Hills now available on Blu-ray, framing the golden question of whether Hill "gets" women or just loves them - whatever...
View ArticleNo Sex Please, We're British... from Space: DEVIL GIRL FROM MARS, FIRE...
Watched the amazing GLOW on Netflix this weekend, great stuff, man. I got some advice though, if you're going to watch the show don't watch the documentary, it's depressing - the cheap video they shot...
View ArticleTigron and Taboo: the Freudian Dream Theater of FLASH GORDON (1936) + Aura...
The murky Freudian sexuality of dreams sometimes creates a kind of bilateral lurching movement, as if crashing sideways through a row of Natural History Museum dioramas. Each one shallow and dimly...
View ArticleLaurentiis of Drug-rabia: DUNE (Great Acid Cinema #43)
Caught the last half of DUNE on Showtime after a groovy nap and it was good enough I had to watch the first part on demand. I remembered liking its wildly uneven effects and straight-faced...
Julie Newmar in the old BATMAN TV show--her lithe playful grace, her tender malevolence with her dopey underlings, the black spangly bodysuit and alluring layer of soft youthful baby fat softness...
View ArticleDeath Drivin' America - Part 3: DEATHSPORT, CANNONBALL!
Corman fans like myself are finding--in golden hindsight and reverence for all things 35mm--that many of Roger Corman's New World produced ALIEN / STAR WARS / JAWS-imitations (the one that launched Joe...
View ArticleInternational ScarJo: GHOST IN THE SHELL, LUCY, GHOST WORLD, Black Widow
Turn the cable on at any given time and there she is, chest deep in sci-fi weirdness: Scarlett Johansson as the KGB experimentally-augmented Black Widow in THE AVENGERS and related Marvel-verse...
View ArticleBOOZE REVIEW: Rate your drinking problem through these 12 progressively more...
Note: This post is not for the weak. It's bleak. It's too real. It goes to dark places. Parental avoidance is advised. There are fun movies about drunks, high-functioning boozers like Nick Charles and...
View ArticleSpooky Behaviors: 15 Wild Horror/Sci-Fi Films Streaming on Amazon Prime Oct....
It's that time of year, a curated list of bizarro cage-free horror films casual classic horror fans may not know of, by me, Erich - and where to find them (they're all currently streaming free on...
View ArticleAngels of Death V: Girl Mummies
Sitting here in the tomb that is my office building on the day before Thanksgiving (luckily we're getting out early), I'm reminded of mummy bitches... in tombs... and how excited I was to see the new...
View ArticleBest of 2017: Rise of the Woman
The age of the Woman has begun and there's no going back. Have they ever? The big Halloween costume pick of 2017 was a true WONDER, directed by a woman, and the best-reviewed film ever on RT is written...
View ArticleBallin' the Jack: TRUCK STOP WOMEN (1974)
Fans of high-energy strong female-filled crime films from the 60s and 70s by guys like John Flynn and Arthur Marks will rejoice to note that--slipping unobtrusively onto Amazon Prime after being...
View ArticleSquare in the Maenads: 68 KILL
Trent Haaga's darker-than-black noir comedy posits, early on, that even within the cartoonish, exaggerated post-grindhouse-fueled Alamo Drafthouse-bound renegade spirit popularized in the mid-90s by...
View ArticleRide the Snake: Boris Karloff's HEART OF DARKNESS (1957)
Recently discovered hiding deep in the Amazon Prime--an interior so vast and tangled one never knows what serpent jewel is coiled below the most innocent flower thumbnail cover: a 1958 TV adaptation of...
View ArticleThe Flower People Screaming: DOCTOR FAUSTUS (1967)
Richard Burton's semi-forgotten directorial debut (and swan song), DOCTOR FAUSTUS came out in swingin' 1967 and it's too bad it didn't know there was a whole summer of love going on around it, because,...
Black and white old dark house films are magic, the perfect balm for miserable rainy days like this, or the advent of spring (pollen/allergies) contesting grey winter's turgid encore: cobwebs, shadows,...
View ArticleVanishing Caloric Density: QUEEN OF OUTER SPACE
Before her there was only Peggy Hopkins Joyce. After her came all of cable TV. And today the power of Zsa Zsa has merged with politics -- they can never more extricated. And so today our first lady is...
View ArticleEaster Acid Cinema Special: MOTHER!
This MOTHER ain't your mom's hardcore psychosexual "puts the bile in bible" allegory so why was I led to be scared of it by a bunch of babies who made me think it was REQUIEM FOR A DREAM TWO? It...
View ArticleBig City Bioluminescent Brutalism: GOOD TIME (2017)
Like a gust of vaguely moldy stale air-- the sort we used to breathe before cell phones, age, rehab, kids, whatever, curbed our kamikaze habits, the sort of air that flows through shallow uneasy breath...
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