10 Wild Weird 70s Monster Movies now Streaming on Amazon Prime
Allergy season comes upon us, the deft poisoning of the senses that comes from the double threat of congestion and allergy medication-caused depression that used to lay me low in the time before SSRIs...
View ArticleGravitational Distortion in 70mm: Hitchcock and Kubrick on Blu-Ray
Summer means barbecues and blah blah but also giant outdoor screens, roadshow Cinerama out under the bugs and picnic favors; and for the indoor kids, lots of intense air-conditioned journeys into...
View ArticleBrecht and the Single Girl: PROPERTY IS NO LONGER A THEFT (1973)
If you're confused about why Italy continually undoes the soundness of the Euro, Elio Petri's PROPERTY IS NO LONGER A THEFT, a nihilistic anti-capitalist Brechtian satire from 1973, can surely clarify...
View ArticleThe Horse is the White of the Eyes" - TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN: Meaninglessness...
Lynch's recent Trump comments outraged many, then outraged the others when he specified, but I dig it, it's all right there in TWIN PEAKS THE RETURN, an understanding that we can't just impeach our...
View ArticleWild Wild Wuxia: Amazon Prime Streams the Shaw Brothers
It's July --perfect time to cozy up in the AC with a seemingly limitless stream of cool Hong Kong fantasy cinema from the late 70s-early 80s streaming free on Amazon Prime. Thanks to the popularity of...
View ArticleCriterion's Dietrich Box's Masochist Supplement (Verboten!)
The arrival this month of Criterion's Dietrich-Von Sternberg Blu-ray boxed set (all six of their pre-code Paramount collaborations) answers an unspoken prayer I made a few years ago. I envisioned a...
View ArticleAngels of Death Special Edition VI: FASTER PUSSYCAT! KILL! KILL!
Welcome to violence, wrapped up in the flesh of woman, a deep raspy voice grabs us right from the get-go with this terrifying forward, the soundwaves of his voice on the tape measured out for us in...
View ArticleBechdel and Bikinis - Best of the SyFy/Asylum Shark Movies (pt. 1)
They're on Syfy Channel all this week! And they have plenty of interesting female characters. Giant monsters and strong, sexy broads, why do they go together so fiercely? Roger Corman set the trend...
View ArticleThree Strange Loves of the Hunter: SEVENTH VICTIM, THE; MATTER OF LIFE AND...
During a recent TCM random catch of the last hour of STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE for the first time in a few years (I'd been turned off last time around by Leigh's mannered hamminess), I was thrown by the...
View ArticleAcidemic's Favorite Angels of Death vol 6: The Good, the Bad, and the Beyond
Part of Acidemic's ongoing series, rounding up another 15 cool broads, evil characters unafraid to rip a man's manhood clear out like a weed, or smart able heroines unafraid to butch up when things are...
View ArticleErich K's HEREDITARY Witchcraft Conspiracy DSM-IV Reader
I'd forgotten about all about conspiracies, Saturn, Satan and schizophrenia until I finally saw HEREDITARY, which brought it all cascading back, buckling the thin walls of sanity I'd set barely nailed...
View ArticleDietrich Set Review Part 1: MOROCCO, DISHONORED, SHANGHAI EXPRESS
If you're looking to worship a higher power of your choice in this screwed up age, may I suggest it be via the church of the recently released Dietrich-Von Sternberg Blu-ray set from Criterion? It has...
View ArticleAcid Etched Damascus: MANDY
In MANDY, Nicolas Cage proves his levels of fearless crazy have no bottom (or top, same thing), and Canada's Panos Cosmatos proves his debut film BEYOND THE BLACK RAINBOW was no...
View ArticleFresh Picks: 13 Newly-Added Horror Movies on Prime (Halloween-curated...
Halloween is here! And out east things are autumnal like they never were last year - it feels like it actually is Halloween and I'm excited to... well, sit around and watch tons of horror films,...
View ArticleMiss Chthonic Temple: SUSPIRIA, SABRINA (Chilling Adventures of)
We're finally there, at the point in time wherein women have eclipsed men as their own worst enemy and the Apollonian phallus comes crashing into the sea like a blood-caked sandcastle to be replaced by...
View ArticleAll the Missed Mystics: Nicolas Roeg's GLASTONBURY FAYRE (1972) Farewell to...
While Filmstruck is still with us, let's chance upon the few small good things we have before they leave forever (to become expensive DVDs or unavailable). The recently also departed Nicolas Roeg is...
View ArticleIsles of Löwensohn: THE WILD BOYS, LET THE CORPSES TAN
Funny that after decades of seeing her only hither or yon, I find Elina Löwensohn in two new movies (en français), which I happened to watch back to back, by daring auteurs that take wild surreal...
View ArticleBest of 2018 (Movies and TV)
Here's the list and if this intro is shorter than usual, just note that there's less and less to write about as far as unity of direction and theme in cinema as a whole, the line is so spread out...
View ArticleAngels of Death IX: GOLD DIGGERS of 1935 ("Lullaby of Broadway")
It's a fairly ubiquitous tune today, but when this movie came out, it was brand new, written for this very film, GOLD DIGGERS OF 1935, and if you see it, as I recently did, shorn of the preceding hour...
View ArticleThe cruel, cruel things we did to LAST SUMMER (1969)
There's ever so often I catch even a time out critic evincing he's not seen the movie he's capsulizing, as in the Time Out Britannia entry on LAST SUMMER (1969), which calls it "winsome," and notes...
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